overall: 131-107 (+40.9 units)
total's: 20-22
(10 UNITS)
st.louis -14
over 53
2 pt safety? yes 200 to win 680
(1 UNIT)
margin of victory stl by (18-21) 100 to win 600
stlouis -14 , if you like the rams better get it now,believe closer to bowl time this line will rise to due party goers!
over! i think new england will score around 17 pts. so for stlouis to cover spread it would be 31-17 which is 48 pts, so figure add another td and i have the over!
margin of victory! i got real close last year predicted the ravens to win by 18-23 i think it was 100 to winn 1200 last year,but giants fumbled k.o. late in game and screwed my prop
anyways love this prop alot!
2 pt safety! think this is one of the best props out there-with alot of points being scored-why not!
total's: 20-22
(10 UNITS)
st.louis -14
over 53
2 pt safety? yes 200 to win 680
(1 UNIT)
margin of victory stl by (18-21) 100 to win 600
stlouis -14 , if you like the rams better get it now,believe closer to bowl time this line will rise to due party goers!
over! i think new england will score around 17 pts. so for stlouis to cover spread it would be 31-17 which is 48 pts, so figure add another td and i have the over!
margin of victory! i got real close last year predicted the ravens to win by 18-23 i think it was 100 to winn 1200 last year,but giants fumbled k.o. late in game and screwed my prop
anyways love this prop alot!
2 pt safety! think this is one of the best props out there-with alot of points being scored-why not!