Supreme Court Reversal; Nobel Prize Goes to Bush

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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
now that was funny

That might have been way too obvious and brought back some memorys best left behind.

There are some countries that would put you under water torture for making funnys like that.

Only in America

Free at last, free at last , thank god almighty were free at last.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
does this mean its to late to phone in any more votes for "el rushbo"?.......:142smilie

i wonder how many of our brother-libs on the forum had to be "heimliched" after reading j.c.`s header?

this gore worship all relates in the mind of lefty`s to fixing the evil which was wrought when chimpy`s nefarious brother jeb and katherine harris stole the 2000 election in florida.....

after that, bush created 9/11, invented jihad, and tortured the oppositon in secret prisons in europe....

they're elevating our annointed savior so he can run again and deliver us from evil.....

i don`t know what other awards they can give ole`howl.... unless the brits knight him....

but,i guess it`s debatable whether having the elderly and politically powerless queen touch a ceremonial sword to the well-padded shoulders of some guy who would break a horse's back is more meaningful than the oscar and the nobel......

"arise, sir lardbutt"!....

(i know the guys in the political scout troop are glad i`m back)........

my brotha`s....:mj06:
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Forum Member
Jul 5, 2000
You know what's really scary?

A majority of people voted for Jimmy Carter for prez; Nobel "Piece" Prize Winner.

Over 50% of US voters chose Al Gore for president. Nobel "Piece Prize Winner"

How many would have voted for Arafat? Probably 30% nowadays. Maybe 51% in a few years.

Are we a country of "close to majority" adolescent dumbots? I understand when your choce is "W" against anybody else; but gore and Kerry??? Shit, gimme a fucqing break.
From now on all we'll have is adolescent rebels running for any public office.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Perhaps it would be easier for you to understand that many of us would prefer to vote for pretty much anyone other than the senior citizen dumbot, George Herbert Walker Bush.

I think his adolescent years were pretty well documented as dumbot years, as well, so not sure this is the path you'd have much success traveling, but good luck on it.

What's really scary to me is that a a minority of folks voted for Bush and he still had the opportunity to reaffirm his dumbotness as our idiot "savant" for so many years...


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
What's really scary to me is that a a minority of folks voted for Bush and he still had the opportunity to reaffirm his dumbotness as our idiot "savant" for so many years...

That's the electoral process, why not get over it:shrug: That's the thing I don't get about liberals...... so much hate and disdain for the other side.

Let me guess, you do not agree with the electoral process. Now I wonder if you would have these same reservatons had a Dem lost the popular vote, but had been elected. :shrug:

Several apparently intelligent members of this forum are stuck in this mentality of hate everything about Bush, his staff, the GOP, etc. It is impossible for me to think that everything liberal is right, and all things conservative are wrong, or vice-versa. Maybe your left-wing arguments would be more well-received if you actually considered supporting the best policy in a given situation instead of pushing a liberal agenda at every turn. The politicians on both sides want your kind(sheep), so they can move forward in their pursuit of power.

I have voted republican in Presidential elections since the 90's, but I can assure you that I won't back Giuliani if he wins the nomination. That's because I am not bound, or defined, by party lines. I am looking to make the most informed decision possible. Have I always been correct? No way, but at least I have never been heard making baaaah sounds like the legions of liberal sheep out there.

Honestly, do you really think that Hillary Clinton is anything more than a self-serving politician just like Bush?? I mean, be reasonable here, what about white water, and the people involved that lost their lives mysteriously, or the stolen furniture and art work from the White House when they left 7 years ago:shrug: I would vote for Hillary over Giuliani, but at least I realize that she is scum--just like most of the rest. Its simply the lesser of 2 evils in my opinion.

This is just one southerner's opinion.
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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
I won't go on a rant on this - for a change, granted - Cie. I don't think your assessment of my posting habits here is accurate, nor fair, with your absolute comments about me. I have posted on several occasions problems I find in what dems have or have not done, and conservative theories or legislation that I find sensible and supportable. Of course I lean left, and definitely have a problem with virtually anything Bush - because I dislike him personally, and how he has conducted his tenure (or had it conducted for him). I have much more respect for pretty much every other Republican President since I've paid attention to politics. I just think Bush is an embarrassment, and much of what has gone on that can be pinpointed to his administration is reprehensible. My personal opinion.

I voted for the Republican governor of our state, a couple of republican judges, a couple legislators, and have done so in the past. I have a few caveats to my democratic support - some things I simply think are the wrong way to look at a situation.

And I think I usually discuss things pretty fairly. But, I'm sure others feel differently.

I'm over the electoral situation - I didn't bring it up - was just commenting on it.

Finally - I don't think Hillary and Dubbya are very much alike at all. Both are self-serving, sure, as are probably all the candidates in many ways. But I think there are clear differences between the two - and definitely in ways that are important to me personally.


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 5, 2002
L.A. Area
...what about white water, and the people involved that lost their lives mysteriously, or the stolen furniture and art work from the White House when they left 7 years ago:shrug:

And let's not forget those kids they killed with the train, and when they left the White House, they removed the "W" from all of the keyboards...


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
I won't go on a rant on this - for a change, granted - Cie. I don't think your assessment of my posting habits here is accurate, nor fair, with your absolute comments about me. I have posted on several occasions problems I find in what dems have or have not done, and conservative theories or legislation that I find sensible and supportable. Of course I lean left, and definitely have a problem with virtually anything Bush - because I dislike him personally, and how he has conducted his tenure (or had it conducted for him). I have much more respect for pretty much every other Republican President since I've paid attention to politics. I just think Bush is an embarrassment, and much of what has gone on that can be pinpointed to his administration is reprehensible. My personal opinion.

I voted for the Republican governor of our state, a couple of republican judges, a couple legislators, and have done so in the past. I have a few caveats to my democratic support - some things I simply think are the wrong way to look at a situation.

And I think I usually discuss things pretty fairly. But, I'm sure others feel differently.

I'm over the electoral situation - I didn't bring it up - was just commenting on it.

Finally - I don't think Hillary and Dubbya are very much alike at all. Both are self-serving, sure, as are probably all the candidates in many ways. But I think there are clear differences between the two - and definitely in ways that are important to me personally.

I didn't intend to attack you personally, and I definitely pulled out my broad-brush in my previous post. I was obviously a little cranky this morning, and sometimes I get tired of the non-stop Bush-bashing even though I am obviously not pleased with how he has run this country. Soon, but probably not soon enough, all the Bush-bashing will end(when the new Prez takes office), and I think we'll all be better off on multiple levels.
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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
I didn't intend to attack you personally, and I definitely pulled out my broad-brush in my previous post. I was obviously a little cranky this morning, and sometimes I get tired of the non-stop Bush-bashing even though I am obviously not pleased with how he has run this country. Soon, but probably not soon enough, all the Bush-bashing will end(when the new Prez takes office), and I think we'll all be better off on multiple levels.

NP, Cie. Hoping to have a couple more open Saturdays to cap NCAA before season end. I do enjoy those weekends, and really miss full time capping - (sometimes...ha). Enjoy the rapport with you there, if nothing else...:)


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
I didn't intend to attack you personally, and I definitely pulled out my broad-brush in my previous post. I was obviously a little cranky this morning, and sometimes I get tired of the non-stop Bush-bashing even though I am obviously not pleased with how he has run this country. Soon, but probably not soon enough, all the Bush-bashing will end(when the new Prez takes office), and I think we'll all be better off on multiple levels.

funny,how the liberals are all het up over the gov`t and the fisa issue....when there are basically no civil rights abuses of citizens that they can provide....we know that because the nyt`s would be plastering them all over the front page for months at a time...ala abu gharaib...

and anyway,when hillary wins next year,it`ll be abolished anyway...with a democratic congress AND whitehouse......

imagine a democratic government...all branches....imagine the supreme court nominees....

oh,and we forgot to mention all those republican fbi files that somehow made their way into the clinton whitehouse....sandy burglar?

i`m not pleased with bush,either......but,i`m not exactly sure in what manner hillary is an improvement over giuliani.......

unless you prefer national healthcare/a weaker military/taxes out the ass/a nanny state, etc....i know rudy`s basically a closet liberal,but,he`s nowhere near hillary...

he`s tough on terror...strong on defense...a good manager...abortion?`s not my thing but it`s not a crucial issue for me....

i`m more concerned with a dirty bomb going off in a big city....and giving more of my hard earned money to the socialists...

one thing i will say is that,while bush is in the bag for the mexicans on the border situation,it will get much worse with hillary...

remember..even though the bush w.h. is soft on immigration,if hillary wins...and i think she will....we`ll see driver`s licenses for illegals,they`ll be voting(democratic,btw),and we may well see the 2 party system rendered null and void....still,we`re screwed,blewed and tattooed on the immigration issue by both parties...

and she might not be willing to sell her soul to china for a few bucks(even though her old man had a penchant for giving them our technology).....


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
funny,how the liberals are all het up over the gov`t and the fisa issue....when there are basically no civil rights abuses of citizens that they can provide...

How exactly does one provide proof of a violation when they don't know they are being spied on? When those people don't have to even ask permission to spy on them to provide any evidence of said spying?

I've often wondered this.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 5, 2002
L.A. Area
and anyway,when hillary wins next year,it`ll be abolished anyway...with a democratic congress AND whitehouse...

Oh sure, Hillary is going to give back ALL THAT PRESIDENTIAL POWER. Right. That is until her attorneys talk her out of it. When has power in any one branch ever been "given back" to the People? I can't remember.

As long as this nation is in a "state of war," the President has plenary powers to conduct the "war" (powers that have been muscled-up by the current administration). Right now, that means:
1) domestic spying,
2) blanket executive privilege (meaning no executive needs to give evidence to Congress),
3) Presidential signing statements (meaning any law Congress passes may be negated in theory by the President).

Hillary WANTS those powers, especially the blanket executive privilege. What happens when the Republicans win back Congress and start investigating HER? Claiming executive privilege might be useful if that happens. Who thinks she will give those powers back? If so, you have a higher opinion of her than I do.