Survivor teams


Eat my pickle
Forum Member
Aug 23, 2002
Bartlett, TN
So my son, Spencer, helped me out at webelos camp about a month ago.

They made "Survivor Bracelets" for the army.

These bracelets are made of 550 lb, 7 strand, parachute cord aka. PARACORD

Each bracelet has about 6 feet of cord which can be used for hundreds of uses.

The bracelets are pretty popular right now.

My little entrepreneur asked me if he could make some in different colors to raise spending money for Scout camp at Kia Kima.

THAT'S MY BOY!!!!:00hour :00hour

Well, I ordered him some different colors and he's has been selling alot of them.

I told him to make some college/pro teams and I would post on-line, since football season is right around the corner :00hour :00hour

The top pic is different teams he made. They are labeled.

Each bracelet is 'reversible' so you can flip it over and have a different color scheme. See the ALABAMA bracelet at the end of the first picture.

The second picture is 'miscellanous' colors he used to make.

The bottom pic is me sporting the SAINTS and how it looks 'reversed'...:popcorn2

His sister has sold more for him that he has:142smilie

They usually go for around 7-10.00 on-line.

He is selling them for $5.00/piece and $2.00 shipping/handling..flat rate.

He has nearly every color, so if you don't see your team or want a specific pattern, just let me know.

IMPORTANT : Let me know if you want ADULT or CHILD size...

They are pretty cool and you won't break em.




The owner of Moe's southwest grill is a big hunter and bought a few of the camouflage bracelets. He's like 'man, these are perfect for tying up elk flanks!" :scared He also bought 10 for his staff, there colors are red/yellow and black.

Anyway, if you see any you like, let me know

Here is a link to the Ebay add
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Mr. Poon

Forum Member
Jan 14, 2006
very cool, willl likely order one or two.

Might package them with my next pickle order. :shrug:



Forum Member
Aug 30, 2002
In the shadows
These bracelets are cool,
of course I have some.
And many hundreds of
yards of ParaCord.

Despite the historic association of pararopes with Airborne units, virtually all US units have access to the cord. It is used in almost any situation where light cordage is needed. Typical uses include attaching equipment to harnesses, as dummy cords to avoid losing small or important items, tying rucksacks to vehicle racks, securing camouflage nets to trees or vehicles, and so forth. When threaded with beads, paracord may be used as a pace counter to estimate ground covered by foot. The yarns of the core (commonly referred to as "the guts") can also be removed when finer string is needed, for instance as sewing thread to repair gear, or to be used as fishing line in a survival situation. The nylon sheath is often used alone, the yarn in the core removed, when a thinner or less elastic cord is needed such as when used as a boot lace. Ends of the cord are almost always melted and crimped to prevent fraying.
A typical 550 Cord bracelet.

In addition to purely utility functions, paracord can be used to fashion knotted or braided bracelets, lanyards, belts, and other decorative items.


Parachute cord

I have stitched up wounds with the guts of the cord, used it as a snare, fished with it, tied back plants and trees.

It is an excellent product to have on yourself at all times.

I carry 50 yards with me every day.

Congrats on your Jr. Entrepreneur's first step in the business world Lawtchan !

4th of July should be a big seller if you have plans to attend a parade ! Get him on it now ! Put me down for 6, 4th of July bracelets, red, white, blue and OD green :toast:

Send me an email with the details


Eat my pickle
Forum Member
Aug 23, 2002
Bartlett, TN
These bracelets are cool,
of course I have some.
And many hundreds of
yards of ParaCord.

Despite the historic association of pararopes with Airborne units, virtually all US units have access to the cord. It is used in almost any situation where light cordage is needed. Typical uses include attaching equipment to harnesses, as dummy cords to avoid losing small or important items, tying rucksacks to vehicle racks, securing camouflage nets to trees or vehicles, and so forth. When threaded with beads, paracord may be used as a pace counter to estimate ground covered by foot. The yarns of the core (commonly referred to as "the guts") can also be removed when finer string is needed, for instance as sewing thread to repair gear, or to be used as fishing line in a survival situation. The nylon sheath is often used alone, the yarn in the core removed, when a thinner or less elastic cord is needed such as when used as a boot lace. Ends of the cord are almost always melted and crimped to prevent fraying.
A typical 550 Cord bracelet.

In addition to purely utility functions, paracord can be used to fashion knotted or braided bracelets, lanyards, belts, and other decorative items.


Parachute cord

I have stitched up wounds with the guts of the cord, used it as a snare, fished with it, tied back plants and trees.

It is an excellent product to have on yourself at all times.

I carry 50 yards with me every day.

Congrats on your Jr. Entrepreneur's first step in the business world Lawtchan !

4th of July should be a big seller if you have plans to attend a parade ! Get him on it now ! Put me down for 6, 4th of July bracelets, red, white, blue and OD green :toast:

Send me an email with the details


will do..

:0074 :0008


Urban Achiever
Forum Member
Oct 22, 2009
lawtchan, just bought two. My ebay username is dysseus99. Can i get color combos for the Yankees (Navy blue, grey) and Jets (Hunter Green, White)? Excited to get my bracelets and THANKS! :00hour


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 12, 2000
Just bought 3. you'll probably be able to pick my name out....

1 - Titans - light blue and red
2 - Georgia - red and black
3 - Hot pink and purple

Had to get at least one for myself :0008


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 12, 2000
Received package. Kids love them, but they fall over their hands.

I rigged them up to work. All good! :0074
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