Since you're in Houston, you may may to head down to the local unemployment office to see if you can locate an accountant from Enron. You know already that they are all pros at "cookin' da books". They'll get old Uncle Sam off your back for sure!
Please don't bring up Enron. The Enron folks got what they deserved. I could go on for hours about Enron and the idiots (or should I say arrogant jerks) who worked there, if you cannot see the forest through the trees then CASH OUT.:shrug:
Not offended at all, didn't even take it that way. If my reply seemed to imply that I was offended I apologize, I knew you were joking. Y'all know how the dander tends to get up after doing taxes, I thought maybe this year (since I finally have some write offs) I would maybe at least break even and not have to send a check, long story short they are getting their check.:nooo: