Tea Bagger "Logic"?

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Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI

People using public streets and sidewalks shouldn't be calling for zero taxes.


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
I bet those people have been paying taxes all their life, Obama supporters, not so much.


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/19v5Kjmc8FI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

You asked for it.

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Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 2, 2000
This one is understandable.

Tea Party people do believe that universal healthcare will raise taxes.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2000
This one is understandable.

Tea Party people do believe that universal healthcare will raise taxes.

And it does. Read the Bill. There will be a huge increase to any investment earnings anyone makes - like 3.8%, which is like a 25% increase on the tax rate for investment earnings.

And that is just ONE of the tax increases in this bill. Many of you have already felt the effect of one of them this year - the inability to purchase over the counter drugs and submit them to your flex plan. Can't do that this year - and this has an impact also.

So, yes, for 50% of our population, FREE healthcare is a wonderful thing... but for the rest of us that pay for our healthcare, not only will premiums by higher, but we are also paying higher taxes (shown above), that you must add in to your premium costs, to truly understand what the total increase in your health care premiums is.

Most actuarial firms are saying that rates will jump 30% in 2014, due to the individual mandate. Add in the additional taxes on investments, and it is likely that customers could see a 40-50% change due to the heatlh care law.

This won't end well. People don't know this is coming. But it is. That is when we'll see the riots in the streets and demonstrations. And then is when likely will be the time that the whole bill gets repealed.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 2, 2000
C'mon, Mags!!!! This can't be true?!?!!

I mean, won't everyone just get a waiver? Err, at least SOME will get a waiver......
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Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
And it does. Read the Bill. There will be a huge increase to any investment earnings anyone makes - like 3.8%, which is like a 25% increase on the tax rate for investment earnings.

And that is just ONE of the tax increases in this bill. Many of you have already felt the effect of one of them this year - the inability to purchase over the counter drugs and submit them to your flex plan. Can't do that this year - and this has an impact also.

So, yes, for 50% of our population, FREE healthcare is a wonderful thing... but for the rest of us that pay for our healthcare, not only will premiums by higher, but we are also paying higher taxes (shown above), that you must add in to your premium costs, to truly understand what the total increase in your health care premiums is.

Most actuarial firms are saying that rates will jump 30% in 2014, due to the individual mandate. Add in the additional taxes on investments, and it is likely that customers could see a 40-50% change due to the heatlh care law.

This won't end well. People don't know this is coming. But it is. That is when we'll see the riots in the streets and demonstrations. And then is when likely will be the time that the whole bill gets repealed.
Mostly BS hyperbole there, Mags.

And Tea Baggers sitting in lawn chairs holding signs with misspelled words hardly constitutes riots in the streets, Mags.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2000
Mostly BS hyperbole there, Mags.

And Tea Baggers sitting in lawn chairs holding signs with misspelled words hardly constitutes riots in the streets, Mags.


it is hardly hyperbole. The investment income tax is right in the bill. It is law.

The increase in premiums have been projected by a number of major consulting firms.

But, you have to pass the bill, to see how much it screws you over. I think that is what Pelosi said.

It is easy for you to dismiss the impact, since you don't really understand the bill or its impacts. And I would expect you to understand it, unless you were knee deep involved with it as part of your work.

Folks will be in for a rude awakening. Yes, this is the perfect class warfare bill - 50% with free coverage, and the rest of us paying much, much more to provide it.


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
And it does. Read the Bill. There will be a huge increase to any investment earnings anyone makes - like 3.8%, which is like a 25% increase on the tax rate for investment earnings.
That's it Mags? That's all you've got? Investment Income Tax? :shrug:

Since you obviously don't understand it, allow me to explain it to you...

1. The 3.8% Investment Income Tax only affects high earners: individuals with incomes over $200,000 or married couples with a combined income over $250,000.

2. What if you sell your home, you ask? The first $250,000 ($500,000 for married couples) of capital gains is already excluded from taxable income.

3. Bottom line? Less than 2% of all tax-paying households in the U.S. have incomes of $250,000 or more, and according to the National Realtors Assn. the median existing home price in the U.S. is approx. $170,000, both of which mean that very few people will be affected by the Investment Income Tax.

Nice try, Mags. ;)

Go Bucky!!!
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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
If you live in the south you would know that the GOP don't reach out to the black party because they can't stand being near them. I'm in the south, My profession is political advertisement and I see it every day. Oh they are happy to pretend to like black people if it could get them money or votes but when it comes right down to it they can't stand thier culture, thier behavior or thier interests. less
7 minutes ago | Like (1) | Report abuse

from a blog. Its funny about Republican neo con right wing agitators.

Herman X has no chance.

that is 0

just ask DTBlackgumby :142smilie


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
It's not the first time I've heard someone question the reasons for blacks' allegiance to the Democratic Party, but history has to be taken into account.

According to the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, a think tank focused on African-American issues, in the aftermath of the Emancipation Proclamation, black folks who could vote in the United States quickly joined the Republican Party out of affection for President Abraham Lincoln. Check the political party affiliation of blacks elected during the period of Reconstruction and you will see a lot of R's after their names.

The policies of Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry Truman, who desegregated the military, led more African-Americans to vote for the Democrats. Still, Dwight Eisenhower got 39 percent of the black vote when he ran for re-election in 1956; and Vice President Richard Nixon received 31 percent against the eventual winner, Sen. John F. Kennedy.

The shift became more noticeable in 1964, when the Republican Party nominated Sen. Barry Goldwater as its presidential nominee. It was Goldwater's ardent stance against the Civil Rights Act that led President Lyndon Johnson to garner 94 percent of the black vote.

What's interesting to note is the greatest threat to passage of the bill came from white Southern Democrats, known as Dixiecrats. Moderate Republicans played a crucial role in getting the Civil Rights Act passed, yet as the GOP began to go against civil rights, the national Democratic Party saw a chance to solidify the black vote.

In 1968, Nixon returned to the national stage with his Southern Strategy, a detailed plan of racial politics that ignored, denigrated and dismissed black voters while playing up racial issues as a way to gain support from white voters.

All of this was an outgrowth of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which led President Johnson to say his signing of the law would deliver the South to the GOP for the next generation.

The Southern Strategy became the go-to play for Republicans over the next 40 years, as they virtually ignored the interests of black voters and catered to a largely white party.

So on one hand you have a party that totally ignores black voters -- the GOP -- and then you have Democrats who see a chance to capture those same voters.

If Republicans today are angry about a high level of animosity coming from black voters, they need to blame their white forefathers who wanted to see the racial divide continue over their refusal to allow African-Americans to be full citizens of the United States.

The problem is that the GOP has done little to change the game since then, virtually ignoring African-Americans and advocating policies that blacks believe go against their interests.

What is so shameful and asinine about Cain's "brainwashing " comment is that he assumes that African-Americans aren't smart and sophisticated enough to make their own choices. Just like whites, Asians, Hispanics, women, Catholics, Jews, Baptists, Wall Street bankers, or any other voting group, they look at the candidates, determine how they line up with their views, and make a selection.

So when someone says that blacks don't vote with their brains, that's utterly false.

Now, for all of the trolls who usually populate web sites comments sections saying I'm playing the race card, answer this: If I said that Southern whites were a bunch of brainwashed, dead heads who give the GOP their vote, how would you respond?

U.S. Census Bureau statistics show that of the 10 poorest states in America, nine are mostly red states. The lowest when it comes to education? Mostly red states. The most obese? Worst health care? Mostly red states.
So if the talking points suggest the Democrats advance poverty programs more than the GOP; push for more funding for education; and want a strong health care program, then why are these white voters in these mostly red states voting for the GOP? Have they been brainwashed by virtue of the Southern Strategy to keep voting straight ticket?

The GOP has no real plan to even talk to black voters. They are afraid of them. Yes, afraid. If you want to put a Republican in the most uncomfortable position, then see them try to give a speech in front of a room of black folks. There is mistrust on both sides rather than straight talk on the issues.
For years I have lamented the GOP's refusal to engage African-Americans. We care about housing, economic development, education, any host of issues. But in the minds of a lot of Republicans, it's all about welfare or affirmative action.

African-Americans are largely social conservatives, but the GOP can't even figure out how to reach us even with God!

I'm the host of Washington Watch, a weekly Sunday morning news show on TV One Cable Network, a lifestyles and entertainment network targeting African-Americans, and the GOP flat out refuses to even accept our invitations.

For two years we've had an open invite for any House or Senate Republican to come on our show, no matter the week. Out of 80-plus shows, Rep. Tom Price of Georgia (twice) and Rep. Allen West of Florida (once) have accepted our invitations.

West sat in my studio and told his press secretary to send an e-mail to every GOP press secretary in the House to tell them that my show was a great forum for them to talk to Black America. None followed his admonition.

When Michael Steele was chairman of the Republican National Committee, he did my show several times. Steele told me he went to the GOP House and Senate leadership to tell them they should accept my invites, but none did.

Now if the GOP is scared to even come on a TV show that targets blacks, do you actually think they'll show up in a black community?

If the GOP wants black folks to consider voting for them, they their candidates will have to make an effort to reach out. The distrust is wide and great, but it can be overcome. But doing nothing will get you nowhere, other than guarantee that a strong voting bloc will do all it can to make sure you are defeated at the polls

Herman X

talking points.

maybe this is why DTBlackgumby hasnt had a black person walk into his shop in 50 years

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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
With all these liberal rants I thought I'd look up exactly what tea party stood for and found their site and their mission.


Tea Party Patriots Mission Statement and Core Values

Mission Statement
The impetus for the Tea Party movement is excessive government spending and taxation. Our mission is to attract, educate, organize, and mobilize our fellow citizens to secure public policy consistent with our three core values of Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government and Free Markets.

Core Values
?Fiscal Responsibility
?Constitutionally Limited Government
?Free Markets

Hard for many of us to realize just how many people we now have in U.S. that disagree with these principles and far the values many have fallen.

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
With all these liberal rants I thought I'd look up exactly what tea party stood for and found their site and their mission.


Tea Party Patriots Mission Statement and Core Values

Mission Statement
The impetus for the Tea Party movement is excessive government spending and taxation. Our mission is to attract, educate, organize, and mobilize our fellow citizens to secure public policy consistent with our three core values of Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government and Free Markets.

Core Values
?Fiscal Responsibility
?Constitutionally Limited Government
?Free Markets

Hard for many of us to realize just how many people we now have in U.S. that disagree with these principles and far the values many have fallen.

I wonder what values and beliefs the tea party has that they are ashamed to list?