Tennesee Democratic State Representative?s son is the Sarah Palin email hacker!

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Feb 13, 2008
The Tennessean is reporting that David Kernell has been contacted by the FBI!

State Rep. Mike Kernell confirmed Thursday that his son, a University of Tennessee-Knoxville student, is at the center of heated Internet discussion into the hacking of the personal e-mail of vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

Kernell, a Memphis Democrat, confirmed that it is his 20-year-old son, David, who is being widely named on Internet blogs and chatrooms in connection with an unfolding story about Palin?s hacked e-mail accounts.

The FBI and the Secret Service started a formal investigation on Wednesday into the hacking.

David Kernell is a student at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. Mike Kernell said he spoke to his son on Thursday, as he does on a regular basis.

Kernell otherwise declined to comment, or discuss his son?s whereabouts.

Has Mike Kernell endorsed Barack Obama for President, yet?


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Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
You really are a Carl Rove righty. Siubject states this kid is Hacker. What you posted does not say that. They want to talk to him that's for sure. Why don't we state Palin's Guilty of Trooper Gate because they want to talk to her and about 12 others. That officials are blocking till after election. Hell lets not wait Palin's Guilty as hell.
And one other thing this was Reb majority vote to investigate. Some Reformer Palins is.
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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
He may be proven to be the guy that did it - or was a part of it. And he should be roasted for it - if so.

But your thread header is making a statement of fact - when there is not even a case against him, or charges even filed.

One could say you might favor communism, with that way of looking at life.
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