Term limits for Congress- Anyone with me

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Forum Member
Oct 12, 2006
Acworth, GA
I think its way past time for term limits for these bozos we have in Washington. Too much time pandering to special interests and working to get reelected. The Founding Fathers never intended for there to be professional politicians. Term limits were mentioned in the first governing document (Articles of Confederation) but not in the Constitution. How about a term of between 4 and 6 years and yer done. Then you have to wait 4 years until you can become a lobbyist.

Yeah I know don't hold your breath. I haven't looked at any polling data but I'd be willing to bet my neighbor's house that citizen support would be STRONG for this. Really think it would cut out a lot of the crap in Washington.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Only problem is they would have to vote on it

Like they vote for their raises, healthcare, retirement packages.

Couldnt retire after 10 years and make 60 grand a year . :SIB
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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
i doubt anybody would disgree with that sentiment.....doing it is whole `nother issue...

what`s strange is that the system is set up to encourage and enable corruption...

pols are elected by their local constituents to rape the federal treasury and bring as much pork home for the state as possible...

and most do just that...

everybody raises a stink about pork and "earmarks",yet when the issue is broached it`s dropped like a rock...

we`re the real problem...we want every other state`s corrupt little pork producer thrown out...but,when it comes to our own corrupt shitheel home state politicians,we keep voting them back in office...

you get what you pay for...

just like we`ll get socialized and taxed out the ying-yang when obama gets elected in november..everybody knows what`s coming...it`s out there...more big government on the way...not only taking property via eminent domain...but also the state take over of businesses,healthcare,the media.....lightbulbs...what we drive...what we eat....

why would anyone want that in their lives?...leads me to believe that many on our board aren`t capable of fending for themselves in a free and open society...

so....i guess i actually do understand what drives liberals to be liberals...


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 7, 2003
Between The Hedges
I think its way past time for term limits for these bozos we have in Washington. Too much time pandering to special interests and working to get reelected. The Founding Fathers never intended for there to be professional politicians. Term limits were mentioned in the first governing document (Articles of Confederation) but not in the Constitution. How about a term of between 4 and 6 years and yer done. Then you have to wait 4 years until you can become a lobbyist.

Yeah I know don't hold your breath. I haven't looked at any polling data but I'd be willing to bet my neighbor's house that citizen support would be STRONG for this. Really think it would cut out a lot of the crap in Washington.

I have been saying this for years. Biggest problem with government is exactly this. The only way they would ever vote this in is if there was a grandfather clause for those currently serving.


Forum Member
Oct 12, 2006
Acworth, GA
I know its foolish to get hopes up regarding this. After all these Congress critters would tell you there are term limits in place every 2 years, since they have to face the voters. Thats a farce. These incumbents have a huge advantage over challengers.

I would think that with Congress's approval ratings at an all time low that now is the perfect time to revisit this. These people have no shame. This system truly is broken and has been for a long time.
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Forum Member
Oct 3, 2005
San Francisco
It's not just term limits. Half the problem is that congressional districts have been drawn in such a way to guarantee victory in perpetuity for one of the two political parties.

It doesn't matter if they are kicked out every 6 years, if the next person doesn?t face a stiff challenge to get elected, they can pretty much do whatever they want.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Everytime I brought this up the Reb's were in power. Answer I always got is they have term limits ever time you vote. If you don't like them vote them out.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
What I'd rather see than term limits
- is limits on foreign aid and social programs.

My two common sense proposals

Have cap on total foreign aid spending for year--
any spending for disater aid in U.S. will be paid1st out of foreign aid fund and remainder will be used for foreign aid.

Social programs--no new ones started until existing are fully funded.