TEXTING DRIVERS are commiting muders on the roads

Dead Money

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 15, 2005
Upstairs watching sports on the big TV.
Had my first

Had my first

Amber alert while driving.....

good grief, scared the living crap out of me......

Gotta figure out how to disable it...

How many wrecks has it caused?

Kid missing 150 miles away..... I'm sorry Timmy fell down the well.....Lassie looking REALLY hard....

lets put the ENTIRE state on alert.....see how many wrecks we can cause.

I think the messages on the interstate are good enough....many drivers see those safely from a good distance.



Forum Member
Jan 6, 2013
south east PA
How many drivers are safe distance? Very few .

IF they observed the fuggin 2 second rule we would have way less collisons.

BUT they do not ....... I get so steamed when im balling at 75 MPH and some jack off comes up behind me blinking his lights at me to move over

Thats why i love the later half of the ac expressway when it opens up to 3 lanes i can drive in middle lane at 75 mph and breeze on in .... making total trip in 50 mins OR really if you count stopping for gas at only $2.21 per gal for 5 mins

Loewest price here in philly is now $2.56 for reg so i'm saving a lot .35 per gal and 10 gals = > $3.50 saved which is the tolls on the ac expressway one way.
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