THANKS everyone...and some wk 3 leans

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Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 14, 2004
Haven't really posted this year, I'm not the best capper, just come here to get advice and jump on some of your systems...don't have a system, I just make plays on what I know and gut feelings...been doing well so far getting a lot of money from Ohio State ML & ND vs. Penn State game and some others, but a lot comes from you guys so I'm thanking you all in advance. But here are some of my early leans, haven't bet on any yet, but just some leans...

WVU -16

Notre Dame -6.5
I'm a HUGE MICHIGAN fan, so I'll be staying away from this game, but I just can't see Mich. staying w/in a TD in Notre Dame esp. w/ Carr's new coordinators and I think Charlie Weiss is a much better coach than Carr

Oregon -4.5
I don't think the Pac-10 is as good as many think, but after watching OU struggle against a sub-par UW team last week, and w/ this game in Oregon, I don't see Adrian Peterson being able to carry the OU offense...

Louisville -4
Was NOT impressed w/ Miami, couldn't put up any points against FSU in the 2nd half. Granted B. Davis was harassing Miami offense all game, I still don't think their offense can keep up w/ Louisville...but I keep wondering if Louisville will actually be able to score against a solid Miami D...opinions?

Fresno St. -3.5
Fresno St. are the upset kids, but I don't know if they show up for a game against UW like they do for every ranked team they face. But even in light of all that, I just don't think UW is that good of a team and I see Fresno taking this one easy...

Auburn -3
Need opinions...I originally leaned towards Auburn but I've seen a lot of people saying LSU

USC -18.5
I just don't think Nebraska is that good, and with one of their top CB's gone for the season, I'm not so sure they can keep this one close...I think D. Jarrett and S. Smith destroy the Husker D

Let me know what you guys think...


Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 14, 2004
just noticed...all favorites...i don't like that, i guess if i were to change one it would be the louisville miami game...opinions?


Paid Poster
Forum Member
Dec 8, 2004
I like the Huskers to at least keep it close, with their running game and front 7, should be able to grind it out. I do agree the loss of Bowman hurts, but think they are still good enough on O to put up at least 21.
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