If a guy can make a buck doing this, I say more power!
I'm pretty sure we would all like the pat on the head that comes with such praise! Think about it....
You think a guy doesn't like to see 30 people respond to his post with, "Thanks for the play!" "You're the best!" etc, etc, etc.
Couple that with someone asking you to come on board in their venture, and giving you a forum to speak from, and it must be pretty hard to say no.
I don't know any of you guys, but if someone wants to start doing this for money, how can you slam them?
Fletcher certainly doesn't owe us anything.
The thing that is lost here? Fletcher isn't Madjacksports. We will go on, and someone will step in to fill the roll you think he is vacating. He is one person, and there is quite a supply of fine people here to run with, and more climbing on board every day. If a ball club loses a starter, you have some initial shock, but someone takes his spot, and you get back to business.
I wish Fletch all the best, as I wish the same for all of you, but we won't suffer as much as you think whenever change comes along, Dr Freeze. Change is a part of life, and we have had several good contributers leave this place in the past.
Let's get back to the business of Madjacks, and let the rest of the world turn.
Have a greta day today, fellas!