Thanksgiving Day

Home Wrecker

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 26, 2002
Yesterday 1-5 -13 units
This week 7-7 +1 units
This year 26-13 +36 units

1-5 units

1 unit 3-2
2 unit 9-5
3 unit 6-1
4 unit 5-2
5 unit 3-3


Utah pk 2 units (L)
Indiana -5 4 units (W)
Colorado pk (bought the half) 5 units (L)
Loyola Chi -1 (bought the half) 5 units (L)
Gonz/Kent 1H over 66.5 for 2 units (L)
under 76 Gon/Kent 2H 3 units (L)

Sorry folks. Bad day! Good thing about it is thats our only losing day of the year so far. We are still up a lousy 1 unit for the week and plan to get that to double digits before the weeks end. My Hoosiers were my only win. Tournament games on neutral courts are especially tough to play.....then take in account the third day in a row for teams this early in the season....very tough to see the edges. 5 unit plays were just plain lousy. With the news of Demetrius being out for Loyola Chi I should have not under estimated the effect and atleast downgraded the units. Live and learn I guess. How about those kids at North Carolina.....WOW! Thats great stuff! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and may you make this turkey day a bad one for the wallets of your books!!!!

YAZ "on the rebound"
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