With 1:53 or so on the clock the Ravens dont go for it on 4th down...ya have nothing to lose but the gm....I am a person who says its never over til its over....granted the Ravens were looking in the eyes of defeat...probably after the 1st Qtr but what in the hell R ya punting the ball away for...that tells me U QUIT....make a drive and have some pride saying we wont give up..I know some of ya had this gm in a tease and I am not saying this for that matter as I didnt have it teased....But by saying lets punt U have given up...the Old Saying...Never Under Estimate The Heart Of A Champion...That theory just went down the shitter w/that lame effort saying we give up....people may say U could have never come bk...UR probably right but I didnt lay down, I fought to the last second .....Grabek you cant consider ur self in my last statement, the 1 on the Champion due to the fact that U werent apart of this tm when they won it nor do I ever see U being a part of a winning program taking it to the nx level....The better tm won this gm and I have nothing but congrats to them....GL to all