That was the single worst

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Nov 8, 2001
clifton park, ny
basketball team I've seen all year. Hands down Richmond is by far one of the most untalented group of "athletes" if you can even call them that, that has ever gone this far in any tournament.
This team can't rebound, can't shoot free throws, can't make wide open jump shots, talk about pissing money down a rat hole, I would have been better off playing that wasted cash on tonights lottery. Sorry for the vent, but what exactly is their head coach looking for when he recruits. I've seen more talent at pickup games in the park in my neighborhood. PATHETIC
congrats to the Syracuse backers who didn't fall for the old Richmond wants it more trick.


Senior Lurker
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Dec 7, 2001
parts unknown
Agree that Richmond looked downright BAAADDD. Their type of team make up for less athleticism with a slow-down type of offense.

They usually hit their treys with a minimum amnt of shots so hence their 60's scoring avg. But tonight their 3's didn't drop and they were harassed by a taller Syracuse squad, not converting on their open looks nothwithstanding. Can't judge their squad by one game only, and believe me I've seen worse from other teams this season.


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Nov 8, 2001
clifton park, ny
I tastefully disagree to some extent about not being able to judge a team by one game. This team is unathletic pure and simple. About 7 or 8 shots blocked on fairly open looks at the basket, inability to rebound wouldn't change whether we're talking about tonight, yesterday or three weeks ago. They create no easy baskets, no baskets in transition, no dribble penetration, just 4 VERY average players hovering around the perimeter killing clock and hoisting up threes that weren't even close. Tonight they missed free throws as well. The fact that I lost money was bad but the idea of watching the game was agony. I feel pretty confident saying that this team would not have even been a top team in the MAAC, it's hard to believe they won the games they did. Does not say a whole lot for the A-10. Maybe I should re-phrase it for you, the team I saw TONIGHT was the worst team I saw all year, definately.
g/l checkraiser
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Nov 8, 2001
clifton park, ny
Not to beat this drum to death but you say that you've seen worse performances this year.
Syracuse shot 1-10 from three point range, had 3 times more turnovers, less steals, and missed more free throws and still won by 16 points on the road. Hard to do much worse than that @ home.


Senior Lurker
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Dec 7, 2001
parts unknown
No problem, I understand how you would feel about Richmond and the game. Game wasn't a thing of beauty, that's for sure. Uninspiring performances by BOTH teams, as far as I'm concerned.

Perhaps Richmond's poor performance had something to do with the fact that this was their 7th game in 14 days. And actually, I'm going to take the opposite view and say how amazed I was that Richmond actually hung in there for so long considering that they shot so dismally. Yeah, they canned some 3's to stay in the game and when they made a little run in the 2H, but the fact that half of their shots were 3-pt attempts (among the most in the nation on avg) tells me that if they don't hit their outside shots they're dead. With not much of an inside game, it's no surprise that they've been outrebounded all year.

But what if Richmond had hit their 3's and stayed in the game down the stretch, say, only to lose by 6? Would you still have the opinion that they were "untalented", "unathletic" and "pathetic"? I'm sure it wouldn't have changed. But hey, the Air Forces, Princetons, Oregon States, Temples AND Richmonds of the world play their own style and their opposition have to adapt. Not exciting basketball, but they win their share of games doing it. :)


Senior Lurker
Forum Member
Dec 7, 2001
parts unknown
I'm glad you clarified your stance. I was thinking after having read your initial post, Richmond isn't in my eyes the "worst basketball team" I'd seen this yr.

I guess it's all subjective in the end, but about "worse performances" I've seen this yr, who can forget....

Miami (OH) shooting 13% and losing to Dayton 23-60.:eek:
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