That's a pretty big lock...OHH that an even bigger Shoe

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Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 5, 2001
Cleveland, Ohio
After reading the dribble in Raymond's Outlaw trread, I had to respond...

I am a dedicated gambler, frequent lurker and sporatic poster...enough about me...

If you have bashed someone in a thead they started...STOP

If you have CALLED OUT someone for their record...STOP

If you think your status on the pecking order is dependant on you keeping tabs on everyone...STOP

If you think that posting 20 messages saying "Good Luck" even if it is to posters on different sides on the same game....STOP

This site is not a high school poplarity contest..."Ohhhh lookie, I have 320 people that have viewed my post!!!!"

This site is one of the few on the "Net" that have some serious cappers that are trying to help everyone "Beat the Man"

If you think that you are a better capper than someone else...don't go into their thread and bash them or call them out for their your plays and let your record speak for itself.

Yes, it is true that most everyone here kisses the backside of certain posters...But there is a reason for it...These people have posted more winners than losers over the long run...

Remember that someone that picks at a 60% clip (which is outstanding) LOESES 4 games out of 10.

If someone post their OPINION on a game...Don't bashed them...Asking them for reasoning would be acceptable but some are not going to give it...but that is OK...Their Selections are Their Selections. If you choose to follow...that is your buisness...If you choose to fade...that is your business..

The arguement that newbies read this site is the worst that I have seen. When you make a bet...You are the one soley responsible for the outcome...If you have an issue with that...DO NOT BET...

I guess that my rambling has led me to this...


If someone want's to post their posting record...that is their business...

If someone says that they won on a game that they didn't post...It is up to you whether you believe them...

If I post plays without a doesn't mean I am hiding my record...I may not keep track of my postings as I do my account balance...

Before you bet...don't blinding follow anyone...if you are responsible...

Guys like Raymond and Fletcher will post plays without writeups, and may desginate them as tips, Outlaw plays, Big Plays...etc...they have a proven record over the LONG TIME...They can get away with it...

If you want to follow someone plays...Search for their posts...DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH...

Not everyone will post their thoughts on a pick like Senior Capper or Gman or Box and One...Remember it is up to you to research someones record...

Just my two cents even though I was offered a penny for my thoughts...I'm getting ripped off
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 5, 2001
Cleveland, Ohio
I am going to reply just to bump this up in order for NEWBIES to read...

Wow, did someone on this site admit to promoting his own thread...Call the POSTING POLICE

pirate fan

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2002
Jack, This should just be kept up on top always !!! Shouldn't need to bump it. Would would hope most if not all posters would feel the same way.
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