That's our Bush....


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
July 19th

Bush gave a speech at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center in Nashville. He was met at the airport by Joe Downs, who had his legs blown off by an IED in Iraq.

Said Bush, ?We?re going to get him some new legs, and if he hurries up, he can outrun me on the South Lawn of the White House.?:com:


I would have shoved my nub so far up his arse, he'd be shitting shin for a month. He says so many dumb things at this point, they don't even get a response anymore.

Happy Hippo

Forum Member
Mar 2, 2006
He in fact did say that. Everything he says could be straight out of the Onion. It's beyond ridiculous.

Here's another good one from the same speech:

"You can't keep making buns if the Democrats take all your dough"...(apparentely he had gone to a bakery before his speech and drew up this brilliant analogy).

We have spent approximately $445 billion in an unwinnable avoidable war in Iraq...and he is talking about handling money responsibly?
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Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
Here's another good one from the same speech:

"You can't keep making buns if the Democrats take all your dough

Wow, was this a speech to third graders? Wayne, Wease, or any other W supporter stragglers (reduced here by 99% over the last couple of years-shocker), any comments on any of this?

You have GOT to be kidding me.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
If you want my input Matt--
The expression on soilders face--tells the story

Then some one bring back photo's of troops when Hilliary visited them--and they weren't casualties--

or the vets showing Bill their backsides at the wall

--hard for some to understand the mind frame of a soilder--they couldn't imagine how some people volunteer to be put in harms way--Just be thankful there are those that do and protect those that wouldn't :)


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
If you want my input Matt--
The expression on soilders face--tells the story

Then some one bring back photo's of troops when Hilliary visited them--and they weren't casualties--

or the vets showing Bill their backsides at the wall

--hard for some to understand the mind frame of a soilder--they couldn't imagine how some people volunteer to be put in harms way--Just be thankful there are those that do and protect those that wouldn't :)

So you don't see anything just a little flip about his comment?

And please save the lecture to me about being 'thankful' for those that serve.

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
Protect from what Wayne?

Or is it possible that these are just a bunch of people who have been duped by a criminal administration and whose pride prevents them from saying how much of a joke this was? It took many of the Viet Nam war veterans a while before they finnally were able to condemn their leaders also. You are just one of the old angry white men who refuse to admit the mistakes made by this country and continue to rap yourselves up in the flag and the bible.

As far as the poor slob in the picture goes, I think it would be hard to accept the fact that I lost my legs for nothing. I'd rather force myself to believe that i did it in the defense of my country. No matter how much bullshi t that was.

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The Judge

Pura Vida!
Forum Member
Aug 5, 2004
With each passing day I am more amazed by the fact that Dubya was actually able to graduate college. Seriously, I personally know few people who are so poorly spoken and it is embarrassing to me that this man is the elected leader of our country.


Say Parlay
Forum Member
well, yes, he does speak poorly (and this did helped him get elected), but...

well, yes, he does speak poorly (and this did helped him get elected), but...

from the excellent site "Eject! Eject! Eject!"


I?ve said before that living near the People?s Republic of Santa Monica gives you an unparalleled opportunity to see legions of people who can put their entire moral philosophy into a 3x10? piece of adhesive vinyl, applied to several tons of steel, hurtling down an eight-lane superhighway at six or seven miles per hour.

Here are some of my favorites, in no particular order:

Somewhere in Texas, a Village is missing its Idiot. I chose this one first since it?s the only one that has a particle of real wit. But the Bush is an idiot meme is very tired, and the most cursory look causes it to fall apart like -- how can I make them understand? -- like a lemon almond biscotti left too long in a grande? caffe verona.

For starters, you can of course point to the fact that the man did graduate from both Harvard and Yale, but that was with a C average, and clearly, the idea of being merely in the middle of the pack of those getting advanced degrees from America?s two preeminent universities cuts you no slack from those community-college theater major drop-outs who love to level the charge.

So let?s leave that aside for a moment ? Poppy?s connections and all that ? and take a moment to look at this, if you will:


This is a Convair F-102 Delta Dagger. It is a second-generation, supersonic fighter-interceptor. It cruises at 845 mph.

There were some minor aerodynamic problems with the F-102. For example, at certain power settings and angles of attack ? like, say, take-off -- the jet compressor would stall and the aircraft would roll inverted. It is no picnic, skill-wise, to fly a modern F-16 with advanced avionics and fly-by-wire flight control systems. The workload on the F-102 was far higher. The F-16 has an accident rate of 4.14 occurrences per 100,000 flight hours. The F-102?s accident rate was more than three times that: 13.69 per 100,000 hours. 875 F-102A interceptors were built; 259 ? almost 30% - were lost to accidents or enemy action while serving in Vietnam.

George W. Bush flew hundreds of hours in the F-102.

Now look at this:


This is the cockpit of the F-102 Delta Dagger?s successor, the F-106 Delta Dart (I could not find an F-102 panel, but they would have been very similar)

Now, picture yourself in this chair, at 40,000 feet, traveling at one and a half times the speed of sound. Now imagine that someone has painted the windows white ? you are flying on instruments. Now imagine that not only do you have to be able to fly blind, by referencing these instruments, but that you also have to stare into that orange jack-o-lantern of a radar, and interpret a squiggle that will lead you to your target. Now imagine that in addition to not hitting the ground, or your wingman, and watching the squiggle, you also have to turn those switches on the right side panel to activate weapons systems, to overcome enemy countermeasures?without looking outside, as you hurtle through air at -40 degrees F, air so thin that should you lose pressure, you have about 4-6 seconds of consciousness before you black out and die.

I maintain that the instant George W. Bush closed that canopy and took off on the first of his many solo hours in an F-102, it is quite impossible that he was either an idiot or a coward.

Here is a random question from the instrument rating exam I had to pass a few years ago.

Refer to figure 91:


What should be the approximate elapsed time from the BOSEMAN (BZN) VOR to the DUBOIS (DBS) VORTAC if the wind is 24 knots from 260 degrees and your intended True Air Speed is 185 knots? (The magnetic variation is 17deg. E)

A. 33 minutes
B. 37 minutes
C. 39 minutes

(It?s C., obviously)

If he had been a civilian rather than military pilot, Dubya would have had to have passed 60 questions like this with at least 70% correct. Questions on weather, radio communications, mechanical systems, aerodynamics, pilot physiology, airspace, navigation and a hundred other things. But, since he was military, he also had to know how to operate that primitive in-flight radar, plus weapons systems, rules of engagement, electronic warfare, hydraulics, fuel systems?it goes on and on.

People like Michael Moore and Bill Maher and Keith Olberman would not be able to figure out how to close the canopy on an F-102. These people would be weeping with fear when those afterburners light up and you barrel down that runway hoping that engine doesn?t flame out and roll you inverted into the asphalt, or when you?re rocketing through the soup at 300mph watching two little needles chase each other, praying the next thing you see out the window is a runway and not a mountain goat.

George W. Bush is not stupid. It?s not possible to be a moron and fly a supersonic jet fighter, and everyone knows it.

What George W. Bush is, however, is inarticulate. English is his second language. From what I can see he does not have a first language. Abraham Lincoln spoke in simple frontier language in an age of rhetorical flourish. Like Bush, he was considered a bumpkin and an idiot, and like Bush, he realized that there were times when having people misunderestimate you repeatedly was a real advantage. That?s goal-oriented. That?s playing the deep game. That?s cunning.

I personally have gotten to the point where Bush?s malapropisms cause me to look at the floor and shake my head with an affectionate smile, in much the same way supporters of his predecessor used to do with every new revelation of coerced sex from former employees. He is what he is. But he is a damn sight more intelligent than the graphic designer in the Mini Cooper with the Village Idiot sticker. Me, personally, I look at the man?s entire catalog of flaws in the same way Lincoln looked at Grant and his drinking: I can?t spare this man. He fights.

So to me, anyway, given the above information I feel that anyone calling President Bush a moron and an idiot comes off sounding like?well?a moron and an idiot.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
First of all, Terryray, that was a great post. Definitely adds some perspective that I will give some credence to.

But the fact remains, the entire world - as I'm sure most of us in here - see only the villiage idiot in the man. And that is the public image, and it has to be the private image when other world leaders spend any time with him. You see it in every press conference, any offhand remark opportunity, like this one.

George Bush speaks for, and on behalf of our country. When speechwriters take care of things he can almost pull it off. But when he is in charge of his mind and his mouth, and putting the two together in motion, it's usually simple and embarrassing, and I don't mean simple as in clear. I mean simple as in simple-ton. And other countries see it and many in our own country are embarrassed about him.

Calling the Pope, "Sir." Calling the Queen of England either by her name or "ma'am." Touching a female chancellor in a massaging fashion at a public event. An endless string of faux paus (Or is it pauses?).

I for one wish he would have continued flying jets, playing Tom Cruise in the barracks bar, or mismanaging businesses out of the public eye. Partyin' it up in New Orleans. Snorting lines of coke wherever he was. That kind of thing. And not stood on podiums across the world representing me and my country in world view.

Because no matter what his convictions, his actions...his performances and public appearances are an ongoing embarrassment. And I'm tired of that...ready for someone who can communicate - at the very least.


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 27, 2005
George Bush is not stupid

George Bush is not stupid

He was a big Vietnam war supporter, but he himself did not want to fight in it. Big freedom leader now, willing to have your kids fight and die in his war. This guy liked to talk big but stood on the sidelines most of his life, cheerleading, National Guard duty (AWOL). Drink and dope until his forties. Started killing Americans as Gov. of Texas, bragged about not spending more than 20 minutes on any clemency hearing. Mocked a woman who was on deathrow when she begged for her life. The only American life that holds any value is his own, the troops in Iraq are just the same as Texas deathrow inmates and it does not matter how many are killed. If it was not for Bush's family name, George W. Bush Jr would be a used car salesman in west Texas, and not a very good one.


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 27, 2005
TERRYRAY "George W. Bush flew hundreds of hours in the F-102."

TERRYRAY "George W. Bush flew hundreds of hours in the F-102."

There are 12 year olds who can fly an airplane across country by themselves, and i bet they can make better choices than Bush too. I bet if Bush were ever flying in combat, he would crash on his first mission. Got to give Saddam and Bin Laden their props, Saddam would blow your head off while you blew your breath in his face, Bin Laden has big bucks and lives in a cave for what he believes in. Do you think Bush would ever kill anyone in a fight if there were a chance of him being killed, no, no balls. Would he live in a cave to help America in time of war, no. He might live in a cave to save his own @ss, even then not too long.

May 28, 1968: Bush enlists as an Airman Basic in the 147th Fighter-Interceptor Group, Ellington Air Force Base, Houston, and is selected to attend pilot training.

July 12, 1968: A three-member board of officers decides that Bush should get a direct commission as a second lieutenant after competing airman's basic training.

July 14 to Aug. 25, 1968: Bush attends six weeks of basic training at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas.

Sept. 4, 1968: Bush is commissioned a second lieutenant and takes an 8-week leave to work on a Senate campaign in Florida.

Nov. 25, 1968 to Nov. 28, 1969: Bush attends and graduates from flight school at Moody Air Force Base, Georgia. (UTP Course #P-V4A-A Moody AFB, Ga. 53 weeks November 1969)

January 1,1970 147th changes from doing Alerts to training F-102 pilots.

December 1969 to June 27, 1970: Bush trains full-time to be an F-102 pilot at Ellington Air Force Base.

Febuary 1970 Bush attends Preint Pilot Training (T-33 ANG112501 5 weeks )

June 1970 his records are not clear his computer records show RGRAD NAV TNG but his Discharge shows F102 Intcp Pilot Training (F102 ANG1125D 16 weeks). His Military Biography shows: Professional Military Education: Basic Military Training, Undergraduate Pilot Training and nothing else.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
For sure lets not put him in with the real heroes that flew 100's of hours in NAM. Practicing once in a while at home not close to same.


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 27, 2005


Bush has been a failure all of his life, still you back this guy. Would you put this guy in charge of your retirement fund after he leaves office?
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