thats what happens when you bet on soccer !!

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Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 26, 2002
sydney australia
alot of intelligent gamblers have often told me to never bet on soccer, well i think this world cup has shown it to be true, the only people that would have bet on croatia was a bloke that ticked the wrong box by mistake !!
croatia deserved to win that game, more and better attacking raids then what italy could muster, the better team won on the night.
these teams are playing too up and down, how does one bet on a soccer game when its hard to know which team is comming to play !!
time to stick back on the regular sports !!


Forum Member
Dec 17, 2000
New Zealand
Totally disagree.

Just cap it like other sports. If the Bucs won easily v the Bengals while the 49ers lost to the Bears one weekend in the NFL, would u automatically lash all your cash on the Bucs when they met the 49ers next week?
Or would u instead think about how the beaten team would have focussed all week on bouncing back, on making changes to their personnel and style, on how another loss would eliminate them from the playoffs, just how tested were the Bucs the previous week....
Not disagreeing that there are probably more upsets in soccer than in other codes, although that may not even be right. Just saying that all you need to do is work hard, think smart and find value in the dogs.
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Dec 18, 2000
Very good writeup, Anders. I like your perspective.

And you're right on the $. There are probably many guys like me that haven't bet soccer since possibly the last World Cup. And we're quick to make judgments about teams after one game. Just look at the results after the Germany-Saudi Arabia gm. Croatia was supposed to be a stiff, too, right?

Anders, I've thoroughly enjoyed your writeups and picks during this tourney. Very educational. Thx for your effort. Few quick points on a few gms:

1) Is Turkey the way to go? Any World Cup perspective on 0-1 favs vs 1-0 dogs? Clearly, Turkey has the motivation. And possibly the talent, too?

2) From a native's perspective, I don't like some of the comments I've heard out of the USA camp. Cobi Jones and Bruce Arena have both made statements about "how it would be a shame to go home with only 3 points." I don't like it. Sounds to me like they're contemplating how not to mess this up.

See ya, Anders et al.


Forum Member
Dec 17, 2000
New Zealand
Cheers Chucky

Yes, I do like Turkey today...just posting write-up now...

Will look very closely at the US v Sth Korea game; have a few props that may effect how I play this one...

Thanx, mang :D