During the 1970's and early 1980's, the following occurred.........
Over population: 204,879,000
Unemployment: 4,088,000
National Debt: $382 billion
Average salary: $7,564
Food price escalation
Energy Crisis
Black Awareness
Sexual Revolution
Vietnam War
Nixon/Jimmy Carter Era
Iran Hostage Crisis
Kent State Shooting
Patricia Hearst Kidnapping
The Pentagon Papers
Jonestown Murders
Munich Olympics Tragedy
US visit to China
The fall of Saigon
World Hunger
First Earth Day
Monday Night Football started
Israel wins Yom Kippur war
Soviet book of Terror published
Muhammad Ali wins
Apartheid Revolt in South Africa
Nadia Comaneci
Anwar Sadat
Hip Huggers
Earth Shoes
First VCR
Apollo 17 & 18
Spiro Agnew Resignation
Roe vs. Wade
Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
Star Wars
Karol Wojtyla named Pope John II
1st test tube baby born
US embassy hostages seized in Iran
Three Mile Island Nuclear Disaster
Iraq vs. Iran war
John Lennon assassination
Reagan Era
Over population: 204,879,000
Unemployment: 4,088,000
National Debt: $382 billion
Average salary: $7,564
Food price escalation
Energy Crisis
Black Awareness
Sexual Revolution
Vietnam War
Nixon/Jimmy Carter Era
Iran Hostage Crisis
Kent State Shooting
Patricia Hearst Kidnapping
The Pentagon Papers
Jonestown Murders
Munich Olympics Tragedy
US visit to China
The fall of Saigon
World Hunger
First Earth Day
Monday Night Football started
Israel wins Yom Kippur war
Soviet book of Terror published
Muhammad Ali wins
Apartheid Revolt in South Africa
Nadia Comaneci
Anwar Sadat
Hip Huggers
Earth Shoes
First VCR
Apollo 17 & 18
Spiro Agnew Resignation
Roe vs. Wade
Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
Star Wars
Karol Wojtyla named Pope John II
1st test tube baby born
US embassy hostages seized in Iran
Three Mile Island Nuclear Disaster
Iraq vs. Iran war
John Lennon assassination
Reagan Era