The Bloud Cloud1 Friday Fiasco

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Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 12, 2001
Sunset Beach, Ca, USA
ytd: 9-8 +0.30 units
Yesterday - Always encouraging as handicapper to have you under bet done by the 3rd inning. This has been the pattern this week for me and many others. Hopefully, we can all turn the corner tonite.
Today - Play Montreal Expos -140
I have saved a ton of money adhering to the philosophy of never asking a "bad" team, i.e., Montreal, to do something "good", i.e., win. But these are desperate times and they call for desperate actions. Armas seems to be the right choice here. He has been very strong lately and carries a lifetime era of 2.84 against the suddenly rejuvenated Reds and Junior. Probably would consider the biggest factor here to be incompetence of Red starter Dennis Reyes. Since being called up from AAA Reyes has allowed 11 runs and 14 hits in 8 2/3 innings. Armas should be able to keep them close and if things continue to fall in place, the Expos should get 6 or 7 against Red staff tonite. Play the Montreal Expos.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 26, 2000
Quebec, Canada
hI TheBlackCloud1.

i'm whit you on this one.
If it can help you, i just want to add to your writte up that the sky is clear in the province of quebec. No black cloud around for the mtl game.
This should be a good sign for you 'cose it seams you dont loose when the game is being played under a clear sky.

Best luck to you.