The Bluemound Enquirer

Bluemound Freak

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2001
North Alabama
Have you run across a juicy little tidbit lately? Just Dieing to start some Crap? How bout getting up for a law suit? Well the posts around here are getting just a little too serious......I mean sheep in the subways.....That is some deep stuff! Post a good no nonsense story about another madjacker( in fun of course ) kinda like a National Enquirer article. Because Damnit......People want to Know! And maybe we can all have a good laugh at each others expense! Just Maybe.......... A good Goat story or a Bama football experience is what we need in this world......Satire!

Bluemound Freak

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2001
North Alabama
It seems Ole Wareagle can't stay out of trouble. In the Same fashion as Robert Downey Jr. Our friend Wareagle has been caught again! Yesterday around 4:45 Memfrica time this photo was taken as he was leaving the Hello Kitty Brothel in downtown Fresno. Seems he can't just say no to the ladies. In this photo you'll notice the large sachel he is lugging along with him, at the time of his arrest he had 4 blow up dolls and an array of other toys with him. There is no word on whether or not he will be released or held without bail. Maybe they should just sentence him to a little psycho therapy and a dentist! But who knows?

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