The Boston Fog:


Forum Member
Jul 31, 2000
The Boston Fog: John Kerry's Shifting Positions on Saddam Hussein

"John Kerry has called Saddam Hussein a 'terrorist,' speculated that Saddam might give weapons to terrorists and cited Iraq as a terrorist-supporting country. Today, John Kerry took the opposite stand, saying that Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with the War on Terror, and trying to claim that Saddam didn't support terrorists. The problem for John Kerry is that the American people don't know what he will believe tomorrow. His constantly shifting positions send the wrong message to our troops, our allies and our enemies. Vacillation and indecision will not win the War on Terror."

- Steve Schmidt, Bush-Cheney '04 Spokesman

Kerry Says Iraq Is Not Part Of The War On Terror

Kerry Says Iraq Is A Diversion From The War On Terror. "'I actually view them as extreme, and I think their policies have been extreme, and that extends all the way to Iraq, where this president, in my judgment, diverted the real war on terror which was Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida and almost obsessively moved to deal with Iraq in a way that weakened our nation, overextended our armed forces, cost us $200 billion and created a breach in our oldest alliances.'" (Mary Dalrymple, "Kerry Faults Bush For Pursuing Saddam Hussein At Cost Of Capturing Bin Laden," The Associated Press, 9/24/04)

Kerry: Iraq "Was Not A Terrorist Haven Before The Invasion." "But three years after 9/11, we see our enemies striking in Spain, in Turkey, in Indonesia, in Kenya and now every day in the most despicable and gruesome ways in Iraq, which was not a terrorist haven before the invasion." (Sen. John Kerry, Remarks At Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, 9/24/04)

Kerry Says That Iraq Is Part Of The War On Terror

In September 2004, Kerry Said Those In Iraq Are Fighting "On Behalf Of Freedom In The War On Terror." "Today marks a tragic milestone in the war in Iraq. More than 1,000 of America's sons and daughters have now given their lives on behalf of their country, on behalf of freedom in the war on terror. I think that the first thing that every American wants to say today is how deeply we each feel the loss." (CNN's "Wolf Blitzer Reports," 9/7/04)
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