The Crystal balls says.....2/27

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mr. wizard

Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 16, 2001
carrollton, texas, us
Whoa, did Texas A&M lay a big fat egg or what? Hate those Aggies. Kansas is playing some damn good ball right now. Did go 3-0 on my regular plays, but missed my POD, which brings my record to 21-11. I'm having one POD and a big teaser for today.


POD-Weber St+2.5

Big 8pt Teaser:

Weber St+10.5(I know its not smart to make a straight wager and teaser with the same team, but can't resist this. Undefeated conference team getting double digits. Love it)

Eastern Illinois-6(Tennessee St is the worst team in the nation and their closest conference game they lost by 15. Domercant might score 40 on em tonight. Easy one)

Arizona+2(probably not gonna be a popular pick with this board, but anytime you can have the number 1 team in the country get pts, gonna bite.

Mr. Wizard

Since A&M spoiled my perfect night last night, have to throw in a Aggie joke. Make that an Aggie and Sooner joke.

What happens when an Aggie graduates and moves to Oklahoma..............? The IQ of both states go up.:D
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 21, 2000
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Seems all the passengers are boarding at the Weber gate.

I'd wait till later on in the day before you place this wager.

You may want to rethink your decision.
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mr. wizard

Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 16, 2001
carrollton, texas, us
SWEEP!!!!!! Who needs the points on that nice straight up winner with Weber St, bringing my POD to 22-11. Also hit my teaser as Weber came through, E. Illinois scared me for 1 1/2 halfs before they went on a 12-0 run to secure the game and just like I thought, Arizona was way to much for Cal. Taking Friday off and looking forward to a strong Saturday.

Mr. Wizard

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