The Foundation for American Veterans just called me asking for money


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Forum Member
Dec 6, 2001
Kansas City area for who knows how long....
The summer of 1991 I lived in Atlanta and worked telemarketing myself for the Paralyzed Veterans of America (and the Atlanta Symphony), but never heard of this charity. Thought I heard of all the veterans charities.

Turns out records show they raised $12.2 million over a two year period, paid out $10.5 million to these fundraisers, kept the other nearly $2 million for their "expenses" and gave a whopping $159,000 to the needy veterans - 1.3% of money raised!

In the early 2000s, a buddy of mine in LA knew Mitch Gold, who ran an assortment of such legal but not legit charities. But Mitch was sloppy, overboard, and in your face. Didn't listen much to his lawyer's warnings. He drove a Jaguar (license plate "Sir Gold") his yacht was named "Sweet Charity". Ha ha!..He also had a nice Ferrari Testarossa..

After years and years of this, with folks complaining to authorities forever, Mitch was finally convicted of defrauding charities he represented, and laundering money. He spent a few years in jail.

But he trained dozens and dozens of operatives who have learned how to be more carefully legal and discreet about things...
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