The Future of Madjack Sports

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Forum Member
Feb 24, 2001
To Madjack and loyal followers:

I have been visiting your sight for just over a year. I was referred by a friend who was referred by a friend. I am not a hard-core gambler that wagers everyday. I do however come to the Madjack sight a couple of times a week to see who people like versus who I like. The thing I alway appreciated about Madjacks was it had quality people and not a bunch of scam artists. When I heard Fletcher and the other guys were leaving to start their own pay for picks sight I was very disappointed. I thought they were originally part of the reason Madjacks has remained so ethical and I thought these guys were more than happy to make money on their own plays. Now that I hear they want to make money off of people that vist Madjacks I am not sure how I feel. I guess I feel they have always enjoyed the interaction amongst members as much as everyone else and I do. Otherwise why would they continue to post? If a successful pay for picks sight were to get underway and Fletcher or someone else went into a prolonged bad streak. What pressures would that bring to them and what would it do for the longevity odf the sight? Madjacks and its members have/had a great thing going. I would hate to see it end and I have a feeling, deep down these guys don't want it to end either. I do think it is salvageable. The question is what is the best solution? I can only offer something that I think a lot of the loyal followers would be willing to do. It is based on basic and successful business planning, not to mention an old gamblers slogan! Pigs get fat and hogs get slaughtered! I do not know what the total membership of Madjacks is but i would I think the majority of the members would be willing to pay a small yearly fee. something in the $25,$50,$75, or $100 range. I would not go over $100. Although the sight would no longer be free it should be able to keep a majority of its membership and possibly grow. It would also create a cash flow for Madjack and benefit the main guys who do all the research like Fletcher and friends who do this for a liiving. Hopefully this could be an answer to the whole Madjack dilema. Even though I have only posted a couple of times you guys seem like family in a way. I originally started to write this in an email to Jack but I thought it would be a good idea to get other peoples feedback. I hope everyone can work together to keep a great thing going!




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Jul 13, 1999
please don't be offended that i closed your thread.

that goes for all the other threads i closed too.

thanks for all the suggestions and support. i really appreciate it. madjacks will do just fine, believe me.

nothing will be for sale here, as far as picks go, ever!

i opened a can of worms and i'm closing it.

i apologize for all the confusion that followed. it's over now.

handicappers come and go. this was always a free site and will continue to be a free site. our sponsors support the site just fine.

this subject has been put to rest.
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