I haven't cried much in my short adult lifetime, but when I saw the pictures in the TORONTO STAR today with the people jumping out of the WTC towers to apparent suicide tears welled up in my eyes, and I nearly threw up...
****ing sad....something has to be done so events like this will NEVER happen again...but where to start?
Being a teacher and seeing first hand how children are being brought up and how they act, and how parents are raising their kids, I've become very negative and pessimistic about the down-spiralling of society and the evil that is killing our world, very slowly.
What is to be done? These events that have unfolded over the last few days have made me hate this world even more...I nearly snapped today when this "jackass" of a kid (grade 7)was constantly fooling around in class today...every fawking two minutes he was laughing, hitting someone, kicking someone and fooling around. Luckily I kept my composure and politely sent him to the office without being rude to him. But fawk, kids these days have NO idea of the world that they are growing up in. Half these kids that i teach thought that the airplane crashes were "cool" and that "wow, special effects couldn't have created a better scene..."
The young kids have no idea why all those people were killed and why people would fly a plane into buildings filled with thousands of people...
This type of terrorism has be fought on at a GLOBAL scale. Every nation has to come together to solve this problem.But then people complain that if we hunt them down like dogs, find them guilty without a reasonable doubt, and then execute them, then WE are the monsters.
...fawk that. We now live in a different society where the "old world" rules should be bent, if not broken. This attack was not
a message for the United States of America, this was a message sent by a bunch of faceless, cowardly bastards, to the WHOLE world, saying, "who will defend you now?"
I am a pessimist. We haven't learned from the mistakes of the past. What makes us so confident that the world as a whole will learn from this one? We can bitch and complain and cry foul all we want about tragedies. Individual agendas will always be put ahead of world peace, because world peace is not profitable and there will always be those that want to wield absolute power, control, or fear over others...
But i totally agree with others' posts, this type of pussy-footing and letting these known terrorists and criminals to roam free, (and they KNOW where they are, the mass-budgeted U.S intelligence is called that for a reason...along with satellite systems that they have...) is getting out of hand. Time to track them down and put them away for good.
Can we look to our leaders for help? They say that they are looking out for our best interests. How have they fared in MY lifetime?
I've got two words for ya:
****ing sad....something has to be done so events like this will NEVER happen again...but where to start?
Being a teacher and seeing first hand how children are being brought up and how they act, and how parents are raising their kids, I've become very negative and pessimistic about the down-spiralling of society and the evil that is killing our world, very slowly.
What is to be done? These events that have unfolded over the last few days have made me hate this world even more...I nearly snapped today when this "jackass" of a kid (grade 7)was constantly fooling around in class today...every fawking two minutes he was laughing, hitting someone, kicking someone and fooling around. Luckily I kept my composure and politely sent him to the office without being rude to him. But fawk, kids these days have NO idea of the world that they are growing up in. Half these kids that i teach thought that the airplane crashes were "cool" and that "wow, special effects couldn't have created a better scene..."
The young kids have no idea why all those people were killed and why people would fly a plane into buildings filled with thousands of people...
This type of terrorism has be fought on at a GLOBAL scale. Every nation has to come together to solve this problem.But then people complain that if we hunt them down like dogs, find them guilty without a reasonable doubt, and then execute them, then WE are the monsters.
...fawk that. We now live in a different society where the "old world" rules should be bent, if not broken. This attack was not
a message for the United States of America, this was a message sent by a bunch of faceless, cowardly bastards, to the WHOLE world, saying, "who will defend you now?"
I am a pessimist. We haven't learned from the mistakes of the past. What makes us so confident that the world as a whole will learn from this one? We can bitch and complain and cry foul all we want about tragedies. Individual agendas will always be put ahead of world peace, because world peace is not profitable and there will always be those that want to wield absolute power, control, or fear over others...
But i totally agree with others' posts, this type of pussy-footing and letting these known terrorists and criminals to roam free, (and they KNOW where they are, the mass-budgeted U.S intelligence is called that for a reason...along with satellite systems that they have...) is getting out of hand. Time to track them down and put them away for good.
Can we look to our leaders for help? They say that they are looking out for our best interests. How have they fared in MY lifetime?
I've got two words for ya: