==== THE KENTUCKY JOB ? ====

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Forum Member
==== Kentucky is as f*&ked up as Hogan's goat ! :mj07:

The intense scrutiny by its fans ( yes, I'm including OL' PIX) leads to a pathway filled with landmines and potholes ................. :eek:

You can become beloved, bedazzled, bewildered, belittled, befuddled, behexed ........ by taking the position of "head coach" at Kentucky !

WHO wants the job ? Why would you want such a headache ! :banghead:

The "only" type person to believe they could succeed in the current state of bedlam is an ALPHA MALE !!! :Yep:

I LOVE MYSELF individual, an eternal optimist, that dreams of rising above each and every obstacle that man, or GOD himself puts in his path ........... :shrug:

Someone like BRUCE PEARL !!! Believe it, or not ........... :thumb:

The man would, hands down, become "KING OF THE BLUEGRASS" upon signing on the dotted line !!!! :hail:

Hell, I like the guy ! He's big enough to make a fool of himself .......... remember the body painting ??? :142smilie:

Charismatic ..... he is !!!! He could wear the "BLUEST BLAZER" ever worn !
You can tell ....... his kids LOVE playing FOR HIM !!!! :toast:

I do not think he is an EXCEPTIONAL coach when it comes to X's & O's ........ bbbbbuuuuuutttttt, he's GOOD ........ and he offers just what KENTUCKY needs RIGHT NOW !!!!! :clap:

Don't think he would have ANY problems dealing with the media ....... this clown would absolutely LOVE being the center of ATTENTION, AFFECTION, AFFLICTION, ATTRACTION, etc, etal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :firing:

With the word KENTUCKY on the back of his BLUE windbreaker .......... we would be BACK !!!! :mj06:

These are just my old, worn out, cliched, musings ........ bbbbbuuuutttt .......


i can hope ..... can't i ??? :bigun:



jer-z jock

Blow $$ Fast
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2007
Nice MM. As a fan myself I can't picture Pearl in the blue, but at this point with the pickings being SLIM to none Ill take anybody that can get us back to the top. Calapari would turn the place into a NBA factory and that wouldn't be acceptable to the base, who ever it is has a decent group of players returning with Meeks leading the way, keep us posted on the rumblings and whispers as up here in the north I only see what the "network" feeds me.


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Forum Member
Sep 25, 2002
no way Cal goes. he owns Memphis. the ku job will be open every 3-5 years and cal can have it any time he wants it.

our recruting class next year is stacked and there is no way he leaves that crew for the pressure cooker that is ku.
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Forum Member
==== Interesting ...... hmmmmmmm ....

==== Interesting ...... hmmmmmmm ....

==== Figured there would be some "BLUE BLOOD" screaming out for a "return to our roots" ! .........

Meaning .......... LIL' TRAVESTY FORD ..... OR .......OPIE PELPHREY .......
these two "WILL" get mentioned,

bbbbuuuuuttttt, like good "fruit on the vine" they NEED maturation !

BITCH BARNYARD doesn't have time for that, after the BILLY CLYDE fiasco .............

he has to land a WHALE ! ......
or get ready for the tar, feathers, and rail ! :mj07:

"IF" it is to be a "BLUE WHALE" .....
it had better be PAT RILEY ...... with a "caveat" of Dan Issel .... otherwise .....

Gimmeeeeee da' PEARL !!!!



Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
I would love to have the coach from Villanova. Our last yankee coach (Pitino) seemed to be pretty good!

Calipari would be fine.

Izzo is a great coach, but the style would bore fans into having him run out of town.

I don't think Ford, Pelphrey or Darin Horn are the answers either.

No way on Pearl!!! Hell no!!
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Forum Member
Sep 25, 2002
Jay wright, again has an excellent recruiting class coming and he is already in the final four. i could see him leaving to be the big dog in the sec basketball conf, but he is in a great situation already.

i think UK is a heck of a place to be the bball coach, but the situation is there now is a brutal atmosphere. i am not knocking uk, but i don't know who would go there that is currently winning and has a great situation already.


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Jan 31, 2006
East Lansing, MI
cats new coach coaches 2 day



No way that happens. The guy is revered in town and is paid top dollar. He didn't take the extra money to coach the Hawks and I can't believe he would leave for Kentucky. The media tries to play it up that he is willing to listen to other job offers, but most of it is made up simply for the story. An Arizona paper printed that he "threw his name in the hat for their job", which is simply not true either. He said in the local paper today that he still has alot of work to do at MSU to make it an elite program... he took a big step today.
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Aug 29, 2001
Dallas, TX
IMO it's a bad hire. If you're a program like Memphis then I think hire Cal or a scholl like mine(Texas Tech) because we have nothing to lose. Cal walks a very fine line in his recruiting. At some point it will bite him and if you're UK why take a chance? You're one of the premier bball schools and don't need to take chances like that.

Don't get me wrong, he will be a home run right away but there's way too much talk about him and who he deals with to get players.

Six, I think his top kid will be coming with him. At least that's what they said on ESPN.


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Forum Member
Sep 25, 2002
Well, i hope that he stays because we are screwed without him at this point. I truly hope that the school has learned a valuable lesson here.

we should have made it much more difficult for him to leave when he re signed last year. instead of being grief stricken and paralyzed after the nat title debacle. at least then, the cupboard would not have been completely empty. we still could have lost anderson/dozier to the draft , but i think Cal may have been more reasonable. there was only one 5 star recruit at risk. currently there are 2 and possibly 3. no current players on the roster that he leaves behind are worth a damn.

outside of cash, the school has no leverage because he makes a ton either way.

if he stays i owe wareagle big for keeping me somewhat sane.
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