In an attempt to show the world that he has military savvy, though no
military experience, President- Elect Barrack Hussein Obama announced in a
press conference that his number one priority is capturing Osama bin
In response, Osama bin Laden sent Barrack Hussein Obama a letter in his own
handwriting to let Barack know that he was still alive and would not be
Upon opening bin Laden's letter, Barack found that it contained a single
line in the form of a coded message:
Obama was baffled, so he e-mailed it to Howard Dean.
Dean and the DNC and had no clue either, so they sent it to Joe Biden.
Joe Biden could not solve so it was sent to the FBI and the CIA who were
also stumped.
Eventually, they asked John McCain and his staff to look at it.
And within a few minutes, McCain had his staff e-mail Obama and tell him,
"You are holding the message upside down."