The NFL Needs Younger Officials

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Aug 30, 2002
San Dog, Southern Cal
with better eye sights and better physical condition to call these games. I only know a couple that are physically fit and not visually impared. These 2 that I am talking about are easily noticed, they look like body builders.

I've noticed that many of the NFL's officials are quite old and can barely see what's taking place on the field and can barely catch up with these athletes. This is not age discrimination, this is just the facts. Old people in their sixties should not be NFL officials, they can barely run and see lightning speed plays.

And that is probably why they are calling these tight calls incorrectly. Why can't the NFL hire and train younger officials. And please, don't tell me that experience is the reason. Experience does not make you see better and run faster.

I believe they started by introducing Levy last night as police retiree and fire fighter retiree. How in the fock old is this guy? Last night,he sounded like he had some sort of bug or flu also. And he is the official that they selected to be the referee. The old old hags with him are probably collecting social security also. Fock!!!! Give me some younger officials.

That's just my opinion.


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Jan 5, 2005
Upstate NY
i think more important than younger officials is to get full-time officials. it's a freakin' joke that the nfl won't hire full-time officials. i'm gonna go out on a limb here and say they can afford it. that way, these guys can look at game tapes of the teams they're going to officiate and get a feel for the game and the players. not to mention putting time in the gym. it's ridiculous to think somebody can spend all week as, say, a lawyer, and then step on a football field and do a quality job. heck, i tried reffing a flag football game 15 years ago, and i swore i'd never do that again. even that moved too fast to do a decent job, and i was 19 years old!

danmurphy jr

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Sep 14, 2004
Some of these officials are in better shape than the players. They get paid millions and can't run 300 feet without falling down. It's all in the eyes of the gambler. On a kick return once, the guy returns the kick 105 yards. He's crossing the 10 yard line with the ref running along side and nobody else within 15 yards.
If anyboody fixed that game, it was the NFL. Ever been to Seattle?
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