The Shot that ended Duke's season

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Jan 5, 2001
Cleveland, Ohio
Been away for a long while but didn't know where else to get something off my chest...

I first want to say that I am one of the few that like both Duke and UNC. I am a fan of coaches and programs. Give me Coach K or Roy over a questionable Calhoon or Calipari. That said...what a game...but it just cost Duke its NCAA season. The problem...Austin Rivers.

Forget every sportscaster blowing smoke up Austin's, Doc's and Coach K's behind...this kid is too selfish for Duke, Coach K, and any team wanting to play that third weekend. Austin Rivers has not met a shot he didn't like or should I say...didn't take. 7 foot Zeller should have stepped out on him in the last 5 sec tonight and the outcome would have been different.

Austin's problem is that he will get the ball in the half court set and over 70% of the time, when the ball leaves his hands, it is a shot vs a pass. A very NBA mentality (which is why he is a one and done). My problem with this is that Coach K allows it and does nothing to curtail it. I am a little disappointed in Coach K that this is still happening this late in the season. Does he think that Austin is a one and done, so, screw it, let;'s get what ever we can out of him???

I love college basketball. Hate the NBA. Don't want to see the NBA game leak into the NCAA. Love that Butler has shown that TEAM is greater than one dominate player in the past few years.

For those of you who are looking for an edge on betting games, Duke will get through their first two games...maybe on great games by Rivers. I do not see them winning past the second weekends Thurs/Fri game. No chance at Final Four. They will rely on Rivers and he will be able to produce the first couple rounds vs lesser teams. Once you get to 16 teams left...there will be a defender that will be able to shut him down...only Austin wont be able to tell. But he will still put up bad shot after bad shot and bury the Blue Devils in the round of 16.

OK...done ranting....


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Jan 5, 2005
Upstate NY
i couldn't agree more. from the one angle they showed later, you could see seth curry yelling at rivers to run the play, but clearly he had no intentions of doing so. as soon as he touched the ball, it was clear that he was going to launch the last shot. if he missed, maybe, just maybe, it would have been a teachable moment. but that kid's head got even bigger after that shot.
it's not talked about a lot, but a huge factor in duke's success over the years has been defense. and that defense has been lacking this year. i, too, would be surprised to see duke advance past the sweet 16, but a lot of that will depend upon matchups, obviously.

Cappin Kirk

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Jan 15, 2003
Fargo, ND
Seems like those questionable coaches you mention do a much better job of selling one and dones on a TEAM concept.
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Mr. Poon

Forum Member
Jan 14, 2006
I did not see the whole game, but from the replay, it looked to me like a good play call. High screen that ended up w/ Zeller on Rivers and when he wasn't guarding him close enough, he took the shot.