The Top 15 Things Overheard at the Prostitute Conference....


The Sage
Forum Member
15> "Room 714... yes, Ma'am... red light bulbs...right away, Ma'am."

14> "Shhhh! They're giving Divine Brown an honorary doctorate."

13> "Hey, it *is* a repetitive stress injury! Friggin' HMO's."

12> "No sick leave, no pension, no workers comp. Honey, I don't know how to put this delicately: you're getting screwed."

11> "I don't want 'Fleiss' on the name tag -- make me one that says 'Heidi-Ho'."

10> "Sure, I could give an oral presentation, but it'll cost you extra."

9> "Have you been over to the Pimp Booth yet? They're giving out free black eyes!"

8> "Say, who do you have to screw around here to get a drink?"

7> "Here come those Arkansas State Troopers again."

6> "And the Johnny for best performance by a hooker in a supporting role goes to..."

5> "Today's lecture is by Trixie: '401k Plans vs. Counting on Big Roy to Take Care of You.'"

4> "Please welcome our keynote speaker, Mr. Charlie Sheen!"

3> "What a coincidence -- my daddy's in politics, too!"

2> "Just look at the way she dresses -- of *course* Mariah Carey is one of us!"

...and the #1 Thing Overheard at the Prostitute Conference...

1> "Well, I think that a open-ended, tax-based pension structure would be more feasible at this juncture and damn, does my crotch itch!" :eek: :eek:
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