THE Trillon Dollar Conspiracy


Forum Member
Jan 6, 2013
south east PA
OK Now after heraing at 3 mins and at 12 mins to 13 mins Come back and give answers how this was NOT planned DEMOLITION. AGAIN witness reports at 17:40 said it sounded like 4th of july explosions.

and again at 20:00 mins more reports of secondary explosions like multiple ones demolition stayle.

then the nagical mysterious quick collapse of building # 7 at 21:31 mins .sure i gues some airplane fuel hit that tower 1/2 a mile away and caused it to collpase all by it's self!


EXPERT REPORTS at 24:00 mins provide proof it was controlled demolition.

at 26:00 listen to the professor report.

then listen at 27:00 mins again the report that NO FUCKING BUILDING EVER IN HISTORY HAS COLLAPSED FROM FIRE!

YES i got proff right here in my city large skyscraper in 90's he says the fires were much hotter and larger and longer BUT the building still stood after the 8 alram fire was extinguised and guess what the fucking mother fucking building is still tanding there today right in the city hall circle on south side of city hall.

Aagin more proof at 28:00 through 30:00 mins that concrete was pulverized BY explosions Prove it to youyr self go atop any large tall bulding and get alarge block of concrete and drop it on the ground betchs it just breaks apart.

Wait a min what about the bridge structure in atalnta that collpased was that concrete made into dust?

NO sir it fell almost intact!

Again listen from 30:28 through 31:19 ABOUT THE COVERUP.
Then another expert reort proves it was controlled demolition at 35:00 mins through

then the killer at 38:47 DARK SMOKE MEANS COOL, Oxygen Poor Fire.

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Forum Member
Jan 6, 2013
south east PA
eidited with lots of things showing cretain parts of this video buddy.

I'm not saying it was and it wasnt i'm only asking for others replies to tell me it was NOT CONTROLLED Demlotion as in why no reports about bldg.7 going down later that afternoon that was NOT in flames or struck by any debris or planes it went down in less than a minute.


AT 47:26 note the week before UNUSUAl Power Downs and evacuation drills were called this gave them time to plant explosives while these drills were executed.

3rd report again that all steell was shipped away before it could be examined for explosives at 49:40 thrugh the end many questions NOT answered by the gov't NO one could reproduce what happened on 911 as they showed it by planes causing 100 stories twoers collapsing by plane fuel fire!
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 21, 2000
Pittsburgh, Pa.

Why do you think there never was nationwide rioting in the streets over those issues?

(And I'm not talking about people calling AM radio talk shows to complain or voice their displeasure.)

Do you think Osama Bin Laden was right when he said, "America is soft."


Forum Member
Jan 6, 2013
south east PA


WOW I never realized this this is PROFF these were NOT pasnger planes watch this video carefully

THE planes at 911 were too small and how da fuck did the nose of the plane appaear atfter going through the tower and was allegedly totall destroyed at impact???

IMPOSSIBLE but it is there in the video at the 2:00 mark HE shows it.

A users COMMENT Below

X_ Calibre---At 1:34 in the video the left wing of the plane should pass in front of that tall brownish building. The tower was in front and to the right of it, so the plane should appear in front of it. But the shitty editing fail that they thought nobody would notice shows otherwise. If you look at the plane coming in from other angles, it even glitches out entirely and the left wing seems to disappear in a lot of footage.

NOTE at the 3:00 min mark no planes shown at wide angle shots from NBC live footage!

and NOTE at 3:55 no news anchors reoprt the plane coming in!

OMFG they show the live images vs later images on evening news and the early LIVE version shows NO OBJECT coming in only the explosion the later one shows the ball obect coming in!
this is shown at 4:40 mins.
The Eve news images are faked because the whole NYC background is ereased and white spaced while a fake plane was inserted............OMFG :0002

AT 6 :00 Mins through the mysteriuos ball is shown and he says what you will see is shocking.

now at 14:40 through to end watch the disgusie of the ball by fake plane.

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Forum Member
Jan 6, 2013
south east PA

Why do you think there never was nationwide rioting in the streets over those issues?

(And I'm not talking about people calling AM radio talk shows to complain or voice their displeasure.)

Do you think Osama Bin Laden was right when he said, "America is soft."

WE are not soft buddy just duped by waht has occured in history .

AS i said above in 1st video i have proof that NO FUCKING BLDG was ever destroyed into dust by intense fires from 7 alram to 9 alarm that burned for 10 to 12 hours.

HE says it in the video two instances one in Phila earlier 90's amd another in 99 in other city.

IF you watch other videos of plane crashes into the ocean you have to say wtf how can this big aluminum plane gpo through complety Concrete and steel when it bust into thousands of pieces after hitting water!!!

LOOK at all other Plane crashes that hit the ground all the parts are covered and any human bodies are also found ...some crashes covered a mile or more BUT most all the parts were recovered!

Also the black boxes were found.

WHERE are the parts from these planes?

The engine found wedged between two buildings was fake proven by aircraft personnel to BE the Wrong engine brand for the Planes alledgedly used.

I maen if you watch all these investagtions YOU just have to think this was all planned!


Forum Member
Jan 6, 2013
south east PA
Exposing the fraud of 9/11 in 22 minutes
HERE it is MY own city The Meridian tower burned for 19 modder fuggin hours in inteanse heat way hotter than 911 palne fuel but the BLDG stood and was rebuilt and it's still standing TODAY.

Google it dummies this proof that NO bldg before 911 or after that was in flames for hours EVER collapased into DUST it IS IMPOSSIBLE for tons of cocrete to be pulverivzed into dust just from fire and collapsing without use of Demoltion explosives!

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Forum Member
Jan 6, 2013
south east PA
OMG OMG i found it the best video ever Proves this was faked at 1:24 secs--- to 1:27 watch the left wing of plane two dissapear behind buildings.

FAKED Footage guys WAECH it on YOU Tube use full screen

3 Ways You Can PROVE 9/11 WTC Conspiracy/Demoliton - Irrefutable Evidence (2016)

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then at 1:45 they say the engines DID NOT belong to the planes of 911

opsssssssssssssssssssssss bad cover up .................. FBI took pictures of the fake engines.

AT 3:46 watch listen Proof of explosives used same eaxct raipd fire explosions!

Just to clear up what these videos are proving is THERE was explosives used in all towers has to be.

Watch it at 4:13 watch what they say to reorters and workers.

then the killer about silverstein collectin billions from the disaster. many people were told to NOT go to meetings on that day listen to the video end very curious dont you think.

Sad sad sad so many lives lost for MONEY innocent lives murdered.

Wonder which city with tall twoers is next HECK we got two here in philly liberty 1 and 2 just like twin towers only not as tall.


I got proof from 1991 right here in philly a tall bldg was in flames for 19 hours The Meridian Tower!

8 floors were in flames.

WAY hotter than 911 flames from supposede fuel fire LOL what a joke .

That bldg still is standing 26 years later and heres the video of that fatefull day.

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