The West Wing


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Nov 26, 2004
Out There
I will admit that I am an avid viewer of this program. Probably because I consider myself to be an above adverage political enthusiast and maybe a tad bit because I'm a Democrat, however far be it for me to suggest that Republicans wouldn't enjoy the dialog.
So season after season I've followed the decisions made by this President who's mantra is one of liberal eastern philosophy that the voice of one man rings as loudly as the masses. But now we have the 6th Season and his long trusted friend has suffered a heart attack which has rendered him incapable of maintaining his position as Chief of Staff. And the decision was made to replace him with the White House Press Secretary. For me, this isn't working as it should. The ambiance in the Oval Office has significantly changed. And with that there is a realization of true life as it should be, that all things must change but there was something special between Jed & Leo. That was a story in itself that these two Statesmen were brothers underneath it all. C.J. doesn't create that same atmosphere and for her, it is just another job that she is determined to do well. But where's the story? I don't see a story with Jed & C.J. and to make matters worse, the Writers took even a bolder step in attempting to remove Charlie from his position as the President's personal assistant. So they speak of the new guy in that position but they don't show him because they know as well as I do that they've made a big mistake in the changes that were implemented. So I conclude that 'The West Wing' is singing its' Swan Song and we will not see a 7th Season.
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Nov 26, 2004
Out There
So I guess I'm the only one that watches this show. Oh well, there just doesn't seem to be a good forum to talk about the West Wing. Even NBC's forum is nothing but a bunch of kids yapping about breast size and are you single crap. So I suppose I will have to result to amusing myself with questions & answers with my alter ego ...


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Nov 26, 2004
Out There
In my opinion, the West Wing is one of the best done TV Dramas that has ever come along. I believe it to be one better than the Sapranos, which I never thought I'd hear myself say. Martin Sheen, shines in his ability to capture the essence of Presidential stature. The complexity of governmental bargaining and power struggling is skillfully potrayed by each cast member. Yet the series is heavily underlined with sophisticated humor which bares to mind that everything within the brackets of government is neither black nor white but infact gray.
An illustration of this absurdity:
The President's personal assistant, Charlie, bought the President and ancient map of the World he found at a tag sale. Knowing the President's fondness of history. The President appreciated this map so much that he decided to frame it and display it in the hallways of the White House. This met with much disapproval because on this map, Israel wasn't represented. The reason? Because Israel hadn't been founded as yet and not for another 200 or so years from the time the map was made. White House Staff personal stated to the President that displaying a map that didn't recognize Israel would create problems. But the President reiterated time and again that there was no Israel yet and how could anyone get offended by something that hasn't happened.

Another Steve

Put Pete In
Forum Member
Jul 7, 2002
Just saw the Thread. I have to agree with you. I'm tottally dissmay at how the show has changed. Leo needs to make a remarable recovery and put thing back in Place.

I do like the new southern Hottie but she didn't make an appearance this week.


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Nov 26, 2004
Out There
And what's up with Josh & Donna ? Are they gonna do the thing or just play stupid games. She's been ready to hop on him from the start but for some reason he's not noticing how hot she is and they seem to be a perfect match for each other.

Simply In The Red

is broke.
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Oct 14, 2001
Lost in Texas
HarleyDavid said:
And what's up with Josh & Donna ? Are they gonna do the thing or just play stupid games. She's been ready to hop on him from the start but for some reason he's not noticing how hot she is and they seem to be a perfect match for each other.

That's what pisses me off about watching that show. How big of an idiot do you have to be to not notice a hot chick like Donna trying to hook up with you? :cursin:


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Nov 26, 2004
Out There
There are other elements of this show that confuse me. Leo has a heart attack and there is this question about who will replace him. Excuse me but I thought Josh was Deputy Chief of Staff? So what does the DCS do? Throughout the series, I never saw Josh as having any real authority over anyone other than Donna. Whenever the Senior staff got together, the pecking order seemed to be The President, then Leo, then Toby. Josh, CJ and Sam (who was replaced by Will Bailey) as Deputy Communications Director. So, if Leo could no longer function in his capacity, it appeared apparent that Toby would replace him if not Josh. Placing CJ in that role was dumb in my opinion.
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