There is no question referees and the NBA have a say in the outcome of these games

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Feb 8, 2008
Argue with me all you want. It was exposed with Donahey and swept under David J Stern office rug. Ron Garretson is no doubt under the thumb of Stern. If you dont believe me then stop betting NBA. Game 1 tonight example was in OT when the Suns were up 1 and Chauncey Billups RAN OVER Steve Nash who was set and outside the key and he was called for a blocking foul. DONT BELIEVE well the announcers for the Pistons go OMG these refs are the worst we have seen all season that was as clear a charge on Billups we have seen ! Second how the **** does a ref call a charge and DECIDE the game with 4 secs left ? I have seen referees deciding the outcome in so many games in the last 2 weeks it makes me sick to my stomach. I wish there was someway to expose the connection between Stern, Refs and Vegas. Ron Garretson ROBBED GS of a win vs Houston on March 21st. BEWARE OF HIM REST OF THE YEAR....Last but least...Miami is a +9.5 home dog and has 3 "D" league players tonight and beats a Milwaukee team with Redd and Williams. I dont care if they were banging cuban whores till 5am that is a clear FIX. If you dont think players on Milwaukee had friendsm family etc betting bigtime on that game then quit gambling happens everyday.


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Mar 29, 2005
new jersey
Well I gather you had money on those games? So my question would be........... Why are you even betting if you have the mindset that games are being fixed? :shrug: :shrug: :0corn


Forum Member
Nov 25, 2007
Oklahoma City
:violin: :violin: :violin:

That's why they call it GAMBLING. Because its a GAMBLE. The games are not fixed. You havent noticed that NBA palyers only give 100% when they feel like it. Most don't play hard till the 4th qtr. Many of us on this site have lost b/c of a bad call or something we didn't feel was "fair" so if you can't take a loss with out an excuse then STOP GAMBLING
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Jan 22, 2001
The All American Valley, CT
draysman its def fixed. Refs already got caught in the nba. There is way too much money being handled for it not to be. At the same token you can role with them and collect. Any fishy games go the other way. You wont win them all but a good percentage. I always said baseball is the only sport not fixed. The odds are high so the house can make it back, alot of games being played, and it is too suspect to fix. Basketball and football are fast paced so the refs can pull it off with fouls and penalties. They dont need to fix baseball cause you can win 2 in a row with the yankees and lose the 3rd and lose money cause of the odds. :nono: If you ever noticed where ever the money is favored high on one side, it hardly ever pans out. Think its a coincidence, I think not!! :nono: :nono:

The Sponge

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Aug 24, 2006
Finally a few of you are coming to your senses. I wrote a post a couple of weeks ago on how the NBA wants the Sixers in the playoffs and Denver out. I am already starting to see the pigeons around the net talking about how good the sixers are. This fukin team stinks but anyone can be good when you shoot 44 fouls shots compared to Bostons 20 last night. The sixers are almost dead last in 3 point shooting as well as free throw shooting but they are still winning:shrug: Then you look at Ray Allen going 1 for 8 last night from 3 point area, something he seems to be doing lately every time Boston is bet huge, and that is how it is easy to fix a game. And boys baseball is rigged to. That is why they have the 1.5 line and convenantly today it came into play again with Boston against the pitiful A's. Most of your key relievers do what is good for the league and the books.