There's more than just chips in that bag

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Jun 10, 2003
Steel City
DES MOINES (AP) - A woman found more than chips inside a bag of potato chips she bought at a convenience store.

Lois Campbell, 42, of Des Moines said when she opened a small bag of Uncle Ray's garlic-flavored chips Saturday, she found another bag inside containing what she and police thought was marijuana.

"We were eating a few of the chips, and I was about to give some to a 3-year-old child," Campbell said. "I thought it was a little bag of seasoning inside. When I saw what it was, I called the police."

A police report says the contents of the heat-sealed bag smelled like marijuana.

The chips and the leafy substance were seized as evidence.

Mandi Lockridge, manager of the Git-N-Go store where the chips were bought, said the other Uncle Ray's chips have been taken off the store's shelves.

The chips were packaged in Detroit, Lockridge said.