Take a look. It is available on Uphold. Not on Coinbase. Partnerships with Google, Meta, Microsoft, Nvidia. This will revolutionize AI, cloud storage, etc. Edge Node app goes live May 1. (for Android - IO coming soon, I'm told) Essentially shares un-used bandwidth, hard disk space and computation power with anyone using an Edge Node - you get paid in TFuel for having a node running in the background.
Good luck.
Take a look. It is available on Uphold. Not on Coinbase. Partnerships with Google, Meta, Microsoft, Nvidia. This will revolutionize AI, cloud storage, etc. Edge Node app goes live May 1. (for Android - IO coming soon, I'm told) Essentially shares un-used bandwidth, hard disk space and computation power with anyone using an Edge Node - you get paid in TFuel for having a node running in the background.
Good luck.