They all laughed, but it's hats off to Cruncher tonight/

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Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 12, 2000
Tampa Bay Florida
Early this morning his pick of Towson State+14
was the first pick I saw.
It was followed by a barrage of funny stuff are you crazy cruncher...Towson is the worst.

Well as you all can see they might win it straight up.
how did you do it cruncher.
That was beautiful.
I wasn't smart enough to go with it.

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Jul 14, 1999
maggio, i went back and reread #cruncher's thread to make sure of what i already knew, and i could not find anything posted that remotely resembled ridicule of his towson play. i for one did not say it was a bad play, i said it was an ugly play, which it was. in most gambling circles, an ugly play implies a sharp play on a bad team with a heavy line. doc is the man's brother and they give all appearances of getting along fine. buddy's comment was along the same lines, and i've never known him to be anything but supportive of everyone who posts dilligent and thoughtful plays. #cruncher is a long time poster who's thoughts are well received by all, and his play on towson tonight was about as sharp as they get. but it bothers me that you would take a lighthearted exchange among cyberfriends and depict it as if it was some kind of bashing. just seems like you're going out of your way to promote antagonism, which is already too prevalent in the forum. if i misread your tone then call me dumb; just wanted to clarify the implication.


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Mar 12, 2000
Tampa Bay Florida
yes loop you misread my post, but I still won't call you dumb.
I never said it was bashing...I said it was "funny stuff'.
Do you know what funny stuff means loop?
The posts made ne laugh, thats all I meant.
He was the ONLY guy to play towsons.
I think it was a gutsy call.
And I think YOU are going out of your way over nothing.
Let cruncer speak for himself.
He knows I'm on his side.

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dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
no kidding this thread is totally unneccessary.....especially before the game was over....

are you gonna do this commentary on every person's call?


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Jul 26, 1999
New Orleans
When we're not where we can see facial expressions, can be so easy to take things in the wrong way sometimes. I actually loved all the comments I got last night (and today) over the Towson Play...I knew they were good natured (Of course it helps to be on a winner, because we all know what it is like to recommended a 'stinker.' I've done it more times than I can count, but that's the nature of gambling. I wish I could take credit for the call, but really can't...but if you want to brag on me that's fine...I loved it. :D I've just started to realize how helpful this forum can really be if we can just keep our egos in check just a little bit....and that's not easy because it's just the 'nature of the beast' for guys like us...but I wouldn't want to be any different!...Thanks again my dear friends!


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Hey folks take alook at buddies picks. In about 3 min's he will have a sweep. He dam neer took on the board and beat everyone. Some days can be that way. But he is steady. No body seems to blow his horn. About time we do.
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MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg