Things That Make You Go Hmmm!

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Livin' Large

Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 8, 2002
A popular consensus site shows 73% of the action on San Francisco tonight, yet the line hasn't moved from -150 at my book.

The same site shows approximately 70% of the action on St. Louis tonight, and I witnessed a $15 move from -220 to -205 at my book a couple of hours ago.

In my opinion, the books are getting the action they want on the Giants/Expos game, and they're attempting to encourage even more action on the Cardinals.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 24, 2001

While I can see your train of thought on that type of line move in the St. Louis game, I am not sure if I agree with you about what it means.

Do you really think the books need to "entice" St. Louis money right now? And even if they did, would that $15 dollar move be enough to make somebody jump on it?

My feeling is that the books have had plenty of Cardinal money this year and more times than not, this year, they have given it right back to bettors in the form of winnings.

We are all just speculating on the bookmakers' thinking, it is a true mind battle we wage with them. But on this game tonight if I was a BM and wanted to choose a side with my line and I liked Cincy to win, I would be trying to increase my profits through a little extra juice on the Cards, not less. The thought being that many people are going to bet the Cards here no matter what line I post up.

Maybe you are right and I am way off on this, but I just wanted to express another opinion on this subject.

Good Luck to All,
