This guy called it for Hopkins, pefectly.


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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2008

Calls his program "gambler's advisory". Very impressed with his prediction here. And you can tell he wasn't just guessing in hopes of looking good in the event of an upset. He's confident, and his argument for Hopkins was well thought out.

This is a guy to watch if you ever make any wagers on boxing. Or just for fun, its great analysis.

He is the anti-Teddy Atlas.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 6, 2007

Calls his program "gambler's advisory". Very impressed with his prediction here. And you can tell he wasn't just guessing in hopes of looking good in the event of an upset. He's confident, and his argument for Hopkins was well thought out.

This is a guy to watch if you ever make any wagers on boxing. Or just for fun, its great analysis.

He is the anti-Teddy Atlas.

The guy was spot on. Very impressive PRE fight analysis. Wish I had seen that video before placing my large wager on Pav


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 19, 2007
I like his analysis...he is not one of those guys who persuades you...but who appeals to your reasonsng and convinces you.. he is calm and calculated rather than too eloquent and outspoken.

Good stuff!

I will take a look at some of his further prdictions.

And its for free!

Does anybody know about his past success!?


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 19, 2007
After watching some of his predictions, I'm not so fond of him any more.

He picks Jones to beat Calzaghe, well, we'll see....

The Sponge

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Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
I can't listen to it because of computer issues but anyone out there that had a crystal ball and knew in this fight Hopkins was gonna use some energy is just full of shit. I didn't bet this and after rethinking my first post and realizing Pavliks style was taylor made for Hopkins it still wasn't enough of reason to bet Hopkins when he was throwing 5 punches a round his last few fights and looking to just go the distance, getting a paycheck. I have been a huge Hopkins fan and think he is the best fighter i have seen in my lifetime, but guys who could have realize that in this fight somehow his gas tank would become miraculously filled? I wanted to bet him so bad and almost did in the 11th hour but i couldn't throw money down and watch him throw a few punches a round. Where was this energy when he fought Meldrick Taylor? Please don't tell me it was Pavliks style that somehow filled up BHops tank. Somebody might want to check out BHops piss and if it comes back clean then once again i have to say he is just a terrific fighter who i still haven't seen get hurt. LOoks like the state of Pa. is gonna ring up some champion's. Phillies, Penn State, and Bhop all look on target.


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Jul 19, 2007
I think the move up from 160 lbs to 170+ did help Hopkins to get more energy.

But its true, he was just VERY conservative in his last fight against Joe.


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Jun 3, 2008
Here it was a case of "style makes fights" taking precedence over " you're only as good as your last one"

I think Pavlik came into this fight believing Bernard was shot, as he needed rest in the Calzaghe fight.

They came to pick up the pieces and thought Bernard was going to fall apart after 6 rounds.

Pavlik's power doesn't travel with him at the higher weigh, and without it his game falls apart; no plan B, C, or D as his trainer advertised.

Bernard shuted down his offense and virtually reduced him to a walking punching bag in the latter rounds.

Pavlik looked clueless. It was clear he never studied how to box a cutie.

I played Pavlik by dec big, and even hedged it by Pavlik late ko, thinking too Hopkins was shot.

Seldom was i more wrong.

If it wasn't for live betting, i would have lost quite a chunk.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
i wouldn`t call this guy a genius....even some of the i.q. challenged members of this board kinda had a bead on the old"styles make fights" angle....

one extremely lame poster/comedian posted this:

""this is gonna sound odd,but remember,pavlik is a white guy....and he isn`t a lefty....and doesn`t have mad skills and quicks and that clever awkwardness like calzaghe......

styles make fights....and i`ll grant you,b.hop looked old vs calzaghe.....

but pavlik,although an excellent puncher,doesn`t have great footwork......

taylor stood right in front of him both times....matter of factmost of his recent opponents have been guys that stand in front of cuties in the bunch....

b.hop will give him angles and clinch and try and throw those potshots""....

even this squirrel stumbled onto the acorn....and usually,this guy can`t find his ass with both hands and a spy satellite....

pfcwintergreen,all that said,the source you provided was absolutely right about the fight......that is why this board is so damned great...guys like yourself sharing info and source material with the rest of the group....

really appreciate your providing that site for more tool on the toolbox...


frank s.

Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 11, 2004
Hey green; thanks for the link. Man is articulate and knowlegable. Good stuff.


Registered User
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Nov 11, 2007
edit - im taking the p4p channel recommendation back. after watching a few more vids, its become insufferable.
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