My name is **** ******** and I am a Cornell University graduate with a PhD degree in statistics. On the side, I?m a full-blooded sport enthusiast who has practically never missed the big game. I found the perfect hobby to assimilate both of my sports and statistical interests in sport betting. Over the last 5 years I?ve spent untold hours researching the sporting database in a pursuit to develop a foolproof sport betting system.
Years ago, I?ve effectively completed my research and cracked the code to a mind-blowing MLB and NBA sport betting system. I wish I could have just 10 minutes to personally sit down with you, face-to-face, and explain to you why the current NBA season, the upcoming MLB season, as well as every single NBA/MLB seasons thereafter, hold an absolute goldmine of an opportunity for you to make all the income you could possibly ever wish for. Whether you're a hardcore gambler, a sport enthusiast, or just someone of no interests in betting or sports but wants to make a pile of extra cash every day doing the easiest job in the world, you'll absolutely fall in love with what I'm about to spill to you. Several times a week, I?d log into my online sports book account and make bets on the particular teams that I?ve statistically calculated to have an exceptionally high chance of betting success. Each win often pulls in over $600 into my account. Not bad for a 5-minute job!
For the first time ever, I?ve decided to make these revolutionary systems available to a limited number of individuals. You have the golden opportunity today to cash in on the most incredible sport betting system ever. I?ve never been a fan of exaggeration, and I vigorously hate any hype that?s blown up beyond its rational proportions. But I make no overstatements when I say that my monster sport betting system is truly unmatched in its winnings. The truth will surprise you just as much as it surprised me on how successful it has become. I win over 97% of the sport bets I place, and have stockpiled a mountain of unthinkable fortune on them over the years!
The more success I had with my betting system, the more I felt the urge to share my remarkable experience. The greatest secret of betting profiteering struck me one day after years of scrupulous research. I practically skyrocketed my bankroll overnight, and over the course of the next few years, turned my ingenious discovery into a sadistic cash generating machine. It's the next best thing to a written license for printing money!
I used to be an engineer at a high profile company until sport betting literally spoon-fed me with piles of job-ending cash. Once I teach you my incredible insider betting method, nothing on the planet will become as easy and simple to make such jaw-dropping amounts of earnings for so little time spent, regardless of your budget, regardless of where you live, regardless of your knowledge or experience level. Since day 1 of putting my system to the test, I?ve made over $375,000 from my on-the-side hobby ? and still climbing higher by the minute each day. Whether you love sports and betting or just an average Joe looking to make extra cash, this is the kind of astounding success you can expect to achieve over the upcoming years.
My cutting-edge sport betting system applies to the NBA (basketball) and the MLB (baseball). Yes, there are many other sporting leagues out there, but my studies have not shown a consistent winning formula for most of these other leagues. However, my betting systems for the NBA and the MLB are not only consistent, they have exceeded every one of my expectations for a dependable winning formula. My impeccable betting record is a shining testament to just how incredibly powerful the system really is.
No, you do not need to be good at math or need to know anything about statistics to apply my system. In fact, you don?t even have to know anything about basketball or baseball to become one of the most accurate and profitable bettors in the world! The hard work has been done for you. I?ve spent countless hours scrambling over a century-worth of statistical data to finally emerge with a winning formula where you just can?t possibly lose.
You'll find out why under my system, sport betting is the best investment your can ever make with your money. There are a number of people out there making good livings from sport betting. There are people making tens of dollars per day. Some make several hundreds of dollars per day, and in a few rare cases, such as myself, a hell of a lot more, every single day! I've milked the sportsbooks for several thousands of dollars each day, and now I'm here to divulge to you the same golden formula that has spring-boarded me into one of the world's most profitable bettors.
Here's what you can expect from my one-of-a-kind sport betting system:
My red-hot betting system has nothing to do with progressive betting, parlays, arbitrage, betting on both sides of the line or any of such rubbish gimmicks.
You'll be making honest-to-goodness straight wagers
Win between 97%-100% on all your bets
How to get 55% bonus on your first deposit. This is's exclusive offer!
You need zero betting experience
You need zero knowledge about baseball or basketball
You need zero knowledge about any sports in general
You need zero knowledge in math or statistics
You need zero technical and computer skills
My lifetime of picks emailed to you at no cost!
A few minutes a day is all you need
Only a tiny investment is needed
Betting method is completely ethical and legal
You can do this from any part of the world
Unlimited one-on-one support
My "No Ifs, Ands, or Buts Personal Guarantee": I guarantee you will massively profit with my revolutionary betting secrets, or everything you paid me for this system will be 100% refunded. No ifs. No ands. No buts. No questions asked!
Under my system, you won?t be betting on every single game. Those who bet on every single game are just pressing their luck. There is no risk, chance, or luck with my system. Applying what I will teach you, you?ll only be betting on particular games that the system calculates to have exceptionally high chances of success. It has nothing to do with betting on the favorites or underdogs, or games with high or low juice. The system will take into consideration a number of factors and circumstances surrounding each game, and determine which of them will have an exceptionally high probability of success based on those factors. Out of every 50 bets you place, you can expect to win about 49 of them! There are several thousands of games played every season, so there's an abundance of golden opportunities to skyrocket your bankroll!
As one of the highest grossing bettors ever, I have been granted an exclusive 55% bonus deposit promotional code that you can use to earn an unheard-of 55% bonus on your first deposit at a major online sportsbook! Lets say for example, that you have $5000 to deposit into your online betting account. This means you'll receive $2750 of absolutely free money! Lets think about that for just a minute now and see how that sounds. That's two thousand, seven hundred fifty dollars you've just made for zero work involved! That's how much money a well-to-do person makes in an entire month worth of back-breaking work that you've just pocketed for less time than it takes to toast your bread! Now, of course you don't have to deposit that much in order to get started. You can fund your account even if all you have is $1000, or $500, or $100, or even less. The 55% deposit bonus promotional code is an exclusive offer that only I can offer you. I was given this promotion code to share with my friends and family because I've been one of the highest grossing bettors ever within the last 5 years. You will never find this code provided or publicized anywhere else. The value of this code alone in its own worth is outright priceless.
Don?t worry about any sport betting experience, because you won?t need any. With my system, even an average mom who has never watched a sport game in her life can turn into one of the world?s most precise sports forecasters overnight! Regardless of your experience in sports or betting, my system is promised to practically transform you into one of the most cash-hungry, take-no-prisoners, winningest bettors in town.
Where you live is the least of any worries. Regardless of where you're located in the world, or whatever walks of life you may be under, you can apply my system and achieve every bit of success as I have. I?ll be guiding you through the entire process of opening your own online sports book account, and how to place bets. You?ll be amazed just how simple it can be!
Sport betting will become the easiest job in the world. I spend no more than 5 minutes a day to make several thousands on a consistent basis. Nine years ago, I graduated with my doctorate degree in statistics, and for seven years I spilled my heart out with 50-hour workweeks as an environmental quality engineer. I proudly quit my job two years ago when I discovered that I was pulling in more income from sport betting than I did at my fulltime job. The best part of it all was that I never even had to leave home!
Seeing how you can literally accrue thousands in winnings each day from 5 minutes of work, I can give you my picks on what teams to bet for and charge you $1000 a month as your handicapper. That way, I can be making over $12,000 off of you every year. Yes, that would actually be one heck of an amazing deal considering how $12,000 becomes literally chump change compared to the amount of winnings you?ll quickly earn back! But, I'm not going to charge you $12,000 a year as your handicapper. As a matter of fact, I?m not even going to ask you to pay me anything at all for my monthly service! I?ll send you all of my picks whenever they come up - every day, every week, every year ? for the rest of my life. Go back and read that again - I don't play games - my picks will come delivered to your email every single time they come up, at no extra costs, for life!