This is what happens when you let Muslims take over part of your country !

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Jun 22, 2005
Riots Prompt French PM to Postpone Trip
By CHRISTINE OLLIVIER, Associated Press Writer
2 hours ago

PARIS - French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin told parliament on Wednesday that he was pushing back a three-day visit to Canada following six nights of rioting in Paris suburbs.

It was not immediately clear whether Villepin was delaying his departure by a few hours, as his aides earlier had said he would do so he could address parliament, or whether the visit was postponed indefinitely.

"The government is entirely mobilized, and that is why I have informed the Canadian prime minister and the prime minister of Quebec that my visit is put back," Villepin said.

His office said it had no immediate additional information.

Meanwhile, French President Jacques Chirac called Wednesday for calm and said authorities will use a firm hand to curtail what may become a "dangerous situation."

The violence, sparked initially by the deaths of two teenagers, has exposed the despair, anger and deep-rooted criminality in the poor suburbs, where police hesitate to venture and which have proved fertile terrain for Islamic extremists.

"The law must be applied firmly and in a spirit of dialogue and respect," Chirac said at a Cabinet meeting. "The absence of dialogue and an escalation of a lack of respect will lead to a dangerous situation."

Chirac's remarks were passed on to reporters by government spokesman Jean-Francois Cope.

The rioting, which spread Tuesday night to at least nine Paris-region towns, has exposed rifts in Chirac's government, with Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy _ a potential 2007 presidential candidate _ being criticized for his tough talk and police tactics.

It also has renewed debate about France's failure to fully integrate its millions of immigrants, many of whom are trapped in poverty and grinding unemployment, living in low-cost, sometimes decrepit, suburban housing estates where gangs dealing drugs and stolen goods sometimes are in control.

That Chirac intervened personally was a measure of the crisis. He acknowledged the "profound frustrations" of troubled neighborhoods but said violence was not the answer and that efforts must be stepped up to combat it.

"Zones without law cannot exist in the republic," the French leader said.

In Tuesday night's clashes, riot police fired rubber bullets at advancing gangs of youths in Aulnay-sous-Bois, where 15 cars were burned, officials said. Youths lobbed Molotov cocktails at an annex to the town hall and threw stones at the firehouse. It was not immediately clear whether there were any injuries.

Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy told Europe-1 radio that police detained 34 people overnight.

Sarkozy _ blamed by many for fanning the violence with his "zero-tolerance" approach to suburban crime _ defended his approach and vowed to restore calm. He recently called rioters "scum" and vowed to "clean out" troubled suburbs.

Housing projects to the north and northeast of Paris are heavily populated by North African Muslim immigrants.

Because of the unrest, Sarkozy canceled a visit to Pakistan and Afghanistan planned to begin Sunday, his office announced Wednesday.

The rioting began Thursday in the northeastern suburb of Clichy-sous-Bois after the electrocutions of two teenagers hiding in a power substation because they believed police were chasing them.

Officials have said police were not pursuing the boys, aged 17 and 15.

Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin met Tuesday evening with the parents of the three families, promising a full investigation of the deaths and insisting on "the need to restore calm."

In the northeastern suburb of Bondy, 14 cars were burned and four people arrested for throwing stones at police, authorities said.

Copyright 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

I know that Southern France is in Muslim control the fact its reaching to Paris is very disturbing .If France dosent wake up it will be a Muslim State in less than 40 Years . :cursin:


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
Are these the same Muslims that you claim we are going to totally change over in Iraq? Or are these the Muslims that you claim are hopeless in Palestine? Or are they just Muslims being Muslims?


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Jun 22, 2005
Same Muslims ! They need new leadership around the world before anything will change ! Ready to do that needed an honorable deed ??? I am ...because I understand how important it is to my country and the world and its a whole lot more important than Liberating France on D day and the way things are going and seeing France hasent learned a dam thing from their past they are going to need to be liberated again about a waste of a US servicemens life I really cant think of a worse one, how many times are we gonna bail them out ?
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Nov 4, 2000
Pale who feeds you your BS everday Rush the Lush.
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Registered User
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Nov 29, 2003
"Are these the same Muslims that you claim we are going to totally change over in Iraq?.......Or are they just Muslims being Muslims?"

About the only people who think the psychopaths can be conquered are the ones in the current administration, and judging by their approval ratings dwindling at around 35%, they would be the only ones....

There are a few diehard repubs who never cease to cheer for their party like they are cheering for some soccer team.....

The only way the Israelis have found to deal with them is to build a wall to keep the bombers out, and all that did was funnel them into the checkpoints...France might have to wall them in too...

2000 and change fed into the Islamic woodchipper and all for nothing because it's going to be the same over there as it has been for centuries.


Forum Member
Jul 31, 2000
kosar said:
Are these the same Muslims that you claim we are going to totally change over in Iraq? Or are these the Muslims that you claim are hopeless in Palestine? Or are they just Muslims being Muslims?

first of all these muslims are not from france!
the problem ,all of these country are letting these muslims into into there country for a better way life," well "shame on them ,these people are lowest form of life !one word animals
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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
"The only way the Israelis have found to deal with them is to build a wall to keep the bombers out, and all that did was funnel them into the checkpoints...France might have to wall them in too..."

For your info the wall DRASTICALLY reduced deaths by suicide bombers--

You have the black leaders complaining about everyone holding them back--yet they abandon thier home country in mass exit--risk lives taking boats to get to Europe --

You have Palestines wailing about Israel--yet have to build wall to keep em out.

U.S. is universally dissed in parts of world yet more people trying to get here than anyone in the world.


Forum Member
Mar 28, 2000
Ventura, Ca.
Are not most of these immigrants Algerian? There has always been a complex, tense relationship between the Algerians and French. Just seems there is always more to the story so just asking.
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Jun 22, 2005
djv said:
Pale who feeds you your BS everday Rush the Lush.

Nobody feeds me anything bud I go and search out the truths . Remember I am the one that claims all Politicians are lier's . What I want you to see here is when you turn on CNN even Fox or the BBC they aren't telling the truth they stay away from the fact this is Muslim youth's not just youth's rebelling due to poverty and unemployment . I am a simple man that posted 100 times about Frances upcoming civil unrest 3 years before you actually are seeing it today . If I could figure this out how come so many others are in the dark on this ? Above all why do people except being lied to by our Media ????


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Nov 4, 2000
Pale your to young to take credit for all politician are lier's . There are many of us here in our 60's that have know it for 50 years.
But what there better at. Is telling half truths and leaving a way out for there B S. As for the media. Remember they feed us much of what they get fed from the politicians.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
western parlor elites,media and forum jockeys still arguing whether there were al qaeda in iraq before saddam`s removal....

whether wmd`s were the real reason for war on the baathists...

bitching about outting valerie plame...while there hasn`t been one indictment regarding the disclosure of her non-covert...i said "non-covert" identity...

massive investigations...while scumbag joe wilson poses with his secret agent wife on the cover of "vanity fair"...

now,the hypocritical media outs secret cia info on top secret prisons on foreign soil to hold these monsters and extract keep the liberals and politically correct from peeing all over themselves....

where`s this investigation?....this really galls me...
our media blows...

i get the fact that the clinton blowjob crap helped spawn this political climate...and that sucked(no pun intended)...i disagreed with what clinton had to endure...

but,it`s getting sickening that many media outlets are making excuses for the french muslims that are tearing the outskirts of paris apart....or refusing to identify them as "muslim"...and are gleefully undermining out troops and the war against muslim fantacism....

and the aclu again fighting for release of more prison photos...there`s no real excuse for this...other than to try and undermine the u.s. and the administration...and to assist the al jazeera`s of the world....

at some point,our own western cannibalism based on pure political bias and political correctness becomes obscene.......

meanwhile, westerners..the media in particular... rarely publicly denounce radical slam for its sick, anti-semitic, anti-female, anti-american, and anti-modernist rhetoric....

imagine the liberal response if across the globe christians had beheaded schoolgirls, taken over schoolhouses to kill students, and shot school teachers as we have witnessed radical muslims doing these past few months....

apart from the continual attacks on civilians by terrorists in iraq, afghanistan, and the west bank, there have now been recent horrific assaults in new dehli (blowing up civilians in a busy shopping season on the eve of a hindu festival), russia (attacking police and security facilities), london (suicide murdering of civilians on the subway), and indonesia (more bombing, and the beheading of christian schoolgirls).....

not to mention the french morass...and of course, do not forget the several terrorist plots that have been broken up in europe and the united states....

theres a pandemic loose in this world...and it ain`t the avian flu...

i`m afraid we`ll need another...even more catastrophic slaughter to finally shake free from all this media bias..and politically elitist correctness....and come to our senses...

we have to condemn these monsters when they assert that the jews stayed home during or caused 9/11, or that suicide bombing is a legitimate response to israel, or that islamic immigrants’ own unique culture gives them a pass from accustomed assimilation, or that racial and religious affinity should allow tolerance for the hatred that spews forth from madrassas and mosques ....

when does the patience of western liberals run out?.....

when we lose 20,000 in one clip?....50,000?

**** that...wake up!!!
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Iowa Child

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Forum Member
Aug 28, 2002
djv said:
Pale who feeds you your BS everday Rush the Lush.

He makes a hell of a lot of more sense in one post than you have in your 1000's of posts combined.


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Jun 22, 2005
Eddie Haskell said:
Palehouse the Nostradamus of Madjacks.


One thing we can all agree on your not the man for that job are ya !!!!? :mj07: :mj07:


Glad to see you finnally had the nerve to stop by Ed :142smilie