lol! Kickserve and in2fitness, such anger toward a total stranger is bad for the health.
I don't recall any "bible thumping" in my post. I am as appalled as the next guy by some jerk setting a dog on fire, I was just making a point that people get in such an uproar about a dog when in the last 15 years there have been atrocities such as: thousands of Somalis getting killed by warlords for trying to get a little of the relief food, ethnic cleansing in Bosnia, and Saddam Hussein gassing the Kurds. I have pets too that I love, but in no way do I think them equal to people.
Also, I am not Catholic, far from it! The church I go to is not corrupt and is a great place and second family for me. Sorry u have not had the same experience, but it is never too late (at least not until the trumpet sounds) for u to change your mind. If u were abused by a priest as a child, I can't know how u feel, and I'm sorry u experienced that.
I will never take down my avatar because I think it is encouraging and I like seeing it, and I think others appreciate it too. I think u can be a gambler and a Christian at the same time. I don't recall seeing anything contrary to that in the Bible.
Point taken, ar182, although I don't think my statement was irresponsible. Just my opinion, and I thought an appropriate place to voice it.