This team leads the league in not allowing a sack...

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Forum Member
Mar 13, 2002

They played 2 very good pass rushing teams, and 1 outstanding one. It looks like they have definitely practiced this one potential weakness thoroughly during the offseason. Cassel was the most sacked qb last year. Yes, Brady is getting rushed at times, but it looks like their strategy is get it out of his hands and avoid a sack at all costs. Once welker comes back this will only become easier.

On the flip side, the defense has become much quicker and are significantly better over 2008. Slight problems with getting to the qb, but the secondary can cover for longer without losing coverage. The run is also being stoped, and once again a return from injury will only upgrade with mayo.

If the run game can stay average, this would actually be the most well rounded team I've seen in years.

I say they are able to continue to avoid the sacks and hold the ravens defense enought to win and cover this week. By mid-season I think they will be in top form.


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 13, 2002
Quickness on defense was huge. Merriweather stoped an almost sure td coming across the field in the 2nd quarter. Showed no tiredness in 4th qtr as in years past..