Thoughts on Sports and Gambling


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Feb 12, 2002
Northwest of Philly, Pa
I had some thoughts this weekend on sports and gambling in general that I thought I?d share so here goes.

I am an avid sports fan and have been one since I can remember. I started gambling seriously on sports about 10 years ago at the age of 21. In that time, I?ve had my ups and downs but the worst part about sports gambling is that it has ruined sports for me in many ways. I no longer enjoy watching games I bet on and I can?t root for underdogs/upset specials as much as in the past. This especially rings true this time of the year as March Madness is the best sporting event there is in my opinion. The Superbowl is one big corporate advertising joke of an event. The college football bowls suck and should be abolished in favor of a playoff. Anyhow, I have come to the following conclusion? at least for myself.

The best sports to make money on are: college football, college basketball, MLB baseball and NHL hockey. Much better off not betting NBA basketball or NFL football as they are probably the toughest sports to win money on. And most important ... no post-season bowls and NCAA Hoops tournaments ? both conference and the big dance. This will allow me to fully enjoy the post-season in college football and hoops and probably save me some cash in the end as well as I always seem to win in the regular season and get crushed in the post-season.

As for baseball ? money lines in baseball.........favorites are boosted cuz the public doesn't wanna back a "team that is supposed to lose" so generally dogs are the way to go. However, playing parlays on big favorites can also be profitable. Parlays/teasers, etc. in all other sports are not worth the risk but money line parlays can be especially in baseball.

Starting now, this will be my strategy.
1) Take a few weeks off till baseball starts and enjoy March Madness.
2) Bet baseball till college football starts.
3) Bet college football regular season? throw is some occasionally NHL plays and early college hoops plays.
4) Quit college football as soon as the regular season ends and focus on college hoops ? continue playing some occasional NHL plays.
5) When college hoops regular season ends ... take a month off and enjoy the tournaments and wait to bet till baseball again unless playing NHL hockey.

That way you can still make money and enjoy the playoffs, tournaments, bowls without wagering. I think this strategy combined with good money management and discipline can take you a long way and it gives you a few breaks here and there cause we all know gambling can where you down over the long haul and we all get burnt out.

I should mention ? I am a medium-size player playing wagering anywhere from $50 to $1000 on games although I have already played as much as $5000 on one game. I generally don?t go more than $1000 anymore. Anyway, I mention this cause I don?t gamble for fun ? I do it for money and eventually want to do it for a living. Madjacks has made me a much better gambler the past few years as I have learned a lot and am learning more an more each day. Another important thing is NEVER EVER CHASE and put all your eggs in one basket so to speak.

Good Luck whatever strategy you choose but beware cause most of us burn out and go bust a few times and many more of us lose than win or there wouldn?t be sportsbooks and bookies.

And if anyone has anything to add whether comments or questions, please go.


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 24, 2002
Stockholm, Sweden
I had some thoughts this weekend on sports and gambling in general that I thought I?d share so here goes.

>>>> I have a lot of experience with gambling similar to yours so I am happy to share my views on this.

I am an avid sports fan and have been one since I can remember. I started gambling seriously on sports about 10 years ago at the age of 21.

>>>> Same here. I've followed sports since about Grade 3 and have been a serious gambler since playing poker with my Grade 7 classmates. Gambling has been a huge part of my life since then and I doubt it will ever leave.

In that time, I?ve had my ups and downs but the worst part about sports gambling is that it has ruined sports for me in many ways. I no longer enjoy watching games I bet on and I can?t root for underdogs/upset specials as much as in the past.

>>>> I no longer enjoy watch games either but I have an opposite view on what this means. The reason I try not to watch games that I have money on is because I believe reducing stress is healthy for me. In the same way that I try to reduce variance in my bankroll, I also try and reduce variance in my emotional state (when it comes to gambling I mean). Watching a game can only increase these things ... just give me the final score and let me move on.

This especially rings true this time of the year as March Madness is the best sporting event there is in my opinion. The Superbowl is one big corporate advertising joke of an event. The college football bowls suck and should be abolished in favor of a playoff. Anyhow, I have come to the following conclusion? at least for myself.

>>>>I used to be a rabid Red Sox fan and I got really emotional when they lost the 1986 World Series. I look back on that now in wonderment, I mean, I had never even been to Boston at that time in my life and It's hard for me to figure out why their baseball team winning was so important to me. I'm very disillusioned with how sports has changed in the last 30 years as more money changes hands from it and if sports betting were somehow not available to me I would try and stop being a fan. I have to admit I am not sure I would be successful however.

The best sports to make money on are: college football, college basketball, MLB baseball and NHL hockey. Much better off not betting NBA basketball or NFL football as they are probably the toughest sports to win money on. And most important ... no post-season bowls and NCAA Hoops tournaments ? both conference and the big dance. This will allow me to fully enjoy the post-season in college football and hoops and probably save me some cash in the end as well as I always seem to win in the regular season and get crushed in the post-season.

>>>> I would watch out here and quailfy your statements with "for me". I know of people who consistently win at NFL and NBA and I myself don't know how to beat college sports or MLB. I personally believe that any sports is beatable if you take the time to study it properly.

As for baseball ? money lines in baseball.........favorites are boosted cuz the public doesn't wanna back a "team that is supposed to lose" so generally dogs are the way to go. However, playing parlays on big favorites can also be profitable. Parlays/teasers, etc. in all other sports are not worth the risk but money line parlays can be especially in baseball.

Starting now, this will be my strategy.
1) Take a few weeks off till baseball starts and enjoy March Madness.
2) Bet baseball till college football starts.
3) Bet college football regular season? throw is some occasionally NHL plays and early college hoops plays.
4) Quit college football as soon as the regular season ends and focus on college hoops ? continue playing some occasional NHL plays.
5) When college hoops regular season ends ... take a month off and enjoy the tournaments and wait to bet till baseball again unless playing NHL hockey.

>>>> It seems to me that you are trying to schedule your bets so that you always have something to bet on. No problem if you don't have enough time to do everything you want but I wouldn't think about scheduling too deeply. Get your money down when you think you have an edge, keep it if you don't. Why not bet NHL during March Madness for example?

That way you can still make money and enjoy the playoffs, tournaments, bowls without wagering. I think this strategy combined with good money management and discipline can take you a long way and it gives you a few breaks here and there cause we all know gambling can where you down over the long haul and we all get burnt out.

>>>> Again my personal view, but I don't think I will ever get burnt out from gambling. The more experienced I become the more I find parallels with the principals I learn from gambling and the ones I find in my everyday life. Lots of people do get burnt out from their careers for example, but gambling is unique in this respect so that if I ever get tired of it it means that I am tired of life! (Not sure if I explained that very well ...)

I should mention ? I am a medium-size player playing wagering anywhere from $50 to $1000 on games although I have already played as much as $5000 on one game.

>>>> Wow! That is a HUGE variance in your betting strategy! I would DEFINITELY recommend lowering that ratio (unless your bankroll is big enough and those small bets are not on games where you feel you have the advantage)

I generally don?t go more than $1000 anymore. Anyway, I mention this cause I don?t gamble for fun ? I do it for money and eventually want to do it for a living.

>>>> That 's a very difficult decision to make. Before anyone decides to do this I would recommend gambling for 2-3 years on your own with a small bankroll (or even a phantom one) and keep records according to each sport of your volumes and profit/loss. Translate this results to what would happen if you played with your real bankroll and see how it turns out. This is probably the biggest obstacle for skillful handicappers who want to try it for a living: finding your initial bankroll. If you do the numbers it is surprising how much you need to be able to get a decent income.

Madjacks has made me a much better gambler the past few years as I have learned a lot and am learning more an more each day. Another important thing is NEVER EVER CHASE and put all your eggs in one basket so to speak.

Good Luck whatever strategy you choose but beware cause most of us burn out and go bust a few times and many more of us lose than win or there wouldn?t be sportsbooks and bookies.

>>>> Good advice. I would add that even if you go bust once from gambling and you are still serious about continuing that you go over your history in great detail to see what went wrong so you don't do it again. Going bust means you have made some serious mistakes in managing your money.

And if anyone has anything to add whether comments or questions, please go.

>>>> Great post!
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Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 12, 2002
Northwest of Philly, Pa
Thanks for replying PerpetualCzech. I should have stated that this is what works for me as I find it very difficult to win consistently in the NFL and NBA. I know guys like JT Sneaks and THUNDER do seem to win reasonably consistently. I think many of the principles I discussed would help the common bettor who comes here looking to learn. But what works for one person is not necessarily the best thing for someone else. Anyway, thanks again for the comments.
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