Thoughts on trip to see 8 MILE and movies in general

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Feb 12, 2000
New Jersey
Just got back a little while ago from seeing 8 MILE in a suburban NJ Loews theatre. This movie is going to do pretty big numbers. I go to the movies very often and am amazed at what goes on at the theatre.

First off, I would say that the movie is done fairly well. It is probably not for everyone, but kids that are into the rap scene will probably love it even more. Being 44, I still enjoyed it. Eminem is good, considering it is his first movie. One of the first scenes has him walking in on his mother, Kim Basinger, who is on the couch screwing her boyfriend. We only see her from the back, but is nice to see.

Anyway, here are some observations about my trip to the movie. I would like to hear from many of you, of all ages, to see if I'm crazy, or what? Many of these thoughts are not new.

NJ schools were off today for teachers' convention. The theatre was pretty packed for a matinee.

1. Of course many movies are not rated correctly, but WHY DO WE EVEN BOTHER WITH RATINGS? The movie is rated R, with tons of of cursing, talks of sex, acts of sex, etc. There must have been 100 kids in the theatre that were under 15 years old. Many, looked 11-13. A bunch were between 5-10. I know kids today are subject to everything early on in life, so there is not much they don't know about.

2. CELL PHONES--Is it so hard for people to turn off their cell phones when they go to the movies? Amazing how rude people are. Some even keep talking once they answer their phones.

3. PEOPLE TALKING DURING THE MOVIE-- I guess it is just me. How hard is it to just keep your mouths shut while watching a movie. I'm not talking about not laughing. You want to just strangle these morons that have to keep talking. Many times in the past I have yelled out to shut the f-ck up after asking them nicely to keep quiet. I know, I'm the bad guy for wanting to hear what is said on the screen.

4. PEOPLE BRINGING BABIES TO THE THEATRE-- Are people just that cheap to not get a babysitter? If they can't control their kids from crying, stay the hell away from the theatre.

Best of Luck,
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Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
You can't drag me to a movie on a Friday or Saturday night. The fact that people talk throughout the movie as if they were watching it alone in their living room burns me to no end. I usually wait for it to come out on video/cd. If I want to see something nbefore then, I will go to early show on sat or 2nd show on weekday. Can't stomach the uncivilized, rude behavior of the crowds.