Thousands of Vets Join Occupy Wall Street


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
US military veterans heed Occupy rallying cry

NEW YORK (AP) ? Thousands of U.S. military veterans are heeding the rallying cry of Occupy Wall Street, saying corporate contractors in Iraq made big money while the troops defending them came home ? and can't make a living now.
"For too long, our voices have been silenced, suppressed and ignored in favor of the voices of Wall Street and the banks and the corporations," said Joseph Carter, a 27-year-old Iraq war veteran who marched Wednesday to Zuccotti Park, the epicenter of the movement that has spread worldwide.
The former Army sergeant from Seattle spoke to fellow Occupy protesters and passersby on Broadway after joining about 100 veterans marching in uniform from the Vietnam Veterans Plaza through Manhattan's financial district nearby.
Their unemployment rate outstrips the national average and is expected to worsen. They worry about preservation of First Amendment rights. And they're angry.
A week before Veterans Day, generations of former U.S. military men and women threw their considerable weight behind the Occupy movement born in mid-September when about 100 protesters also marched in the Wall Street area.
"For 10 years, we have been fighting wars that have enriched the wealthiest 1 percent, decimated our economy and left our nation with a generation of traumatized and wounded veterans that will require care for years to come," said Carter, who leads the national Iraq Veterans Against the War group.
Requiring care now in California is a former Marine whose skull was fractured last week when he was injured by a projectile at an Occupy Oakland rally. Police there are now the subject of a formal investigation by the city's Citizens' Police Review Board.
In New York on Wednesday, police circled the veterans as they stood in formation in front of the New York Stock Exchange, chanting, "We are veterans! We are the 99 percent!" and "Corporate profits on the rise, soldiers have to bleed and die!"
By the stock exchange, Josh Shepherd, a former Navy petty officer 2nd class who was next to Olsen when he was injured, read the oath members of the armed forces take to defend the U.S. Constitution.
"We are here to support the Occupy Wall Street movement," he then declared.
Police officers on scooters separated the veterans from the entrance to the stock exchange. On the other side of the marchers was a lineup of NYPD horses carrying officers with nightsticks.
"We are marching to express support for our brother, Scott Olsen, who was injured in Oakland," former Army specialist Jerry Bordeleau told The Associated Press earlier.
At the intersection of Wall Street and Broadway, they paused for a moment of silence for the Marine who served two Iraq tours and remains hospitalized.
Olsen was honored Wednesday by veterans and other activists at Occupy protests around the nation, from Boston and Philadelphia to Los Angeles and Chicago.
"Wall Street corporations have played a big role in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan," said Bordeleau, 24, who served several years in Iraq over two tours ending in 2009 and now attends college in New York.
He said private contractors have reaped big profits in those countries "in pursuit of corporate interests that have had a devastating effect on our economy and our country, benefiting only a small number of people."
"The 99 percent have to take a stand," Bordeleau said, to rectify the biggest income gap between rich and poor since the Great Depression, fueled by what protesters say is Wall Street's overblown clout in Washington politics.
From the stock exchange, the veterans walked down Broadway to the bronze bull that symbolizes the stock market.
"Halliburton and Bechtel think these wars are swell," they chanted, invoking the names of American companies that received federal contracts for work rebuilding Iraq.
They say those who risked their lives fighting for their country have the right to protest economic policies and business practices that give them a slimmer chance of finding jobs than most Americans.
From 2008 to 2011, veterans' unemployment rose 5.1 percentage points, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
And a Department of Labor report shows that unemployment tops 20 percent among 18-to-24-year-old veterans, compared to a national rate of about 9 percent.
Veteran unemployment is projected to worsen after 10,000 servicemen and servicewomen return from Afghanistan and 46,000 come home from Iraq by year's end ? many wounded or suffering from mental trauma.
Bordeleau, who served in the military police, said his diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder has made it impossible to pursue a career in civilian law enforcement, and that he's had a hard time finding jobs that pay more than $10 an hour. He has worked as a groundskeeper at a New York public park, while living on disability benefits.
"I can't really survive on that," he said.
Wednesday's protest comes two weeks after another veteran faced off with police in New York.
Shamar Thomas, a decorated former Marine sergeant from Roosevelt, N.Y., went nose-to-nose with officers policing activists in Times Square.
"This is not a war zone! These are not armed people!" he told police in a passionate, videotaped plea that has gone viral on YouTube.
Earlier Wednesday, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said he believes the protest, now in its seventh week, is "really hurting small businesses and families."
He said the city has worked hard to preserve the protesters' First Amendment rights, but is very concerned about the rights of others in the area. Bloomberg said the city will take action if and when it's appropriate.
To ease access to small businesses on Wall Street, hundreds of police barricades were removed Wednesday, said Marc LaVorgna, a mayoral spokesman.

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Fox News has already said that these vets are not real vets and have bought the uniforms just to look like vets. So far they have accused this movement on George Soros, college kids with nothing to do, Muslim fundementalist, Accorn, and one other one i can't remember. Just despicable pieces of shit.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 2, 2000
I'm sure that some vets would be inclined to join this movement.

Does being a veteran exclude you?

Does it make it more symbolic in some way if they do join?

Are the OWS protesting the military?

I do not understand why it is newsworthy.

Anyway, I also would like to know how they reached 'thousands' in their count.


poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX
Scott Olsen, the one that got injured, is also a pretty vocal anti-everything person.

In the past he has been overly vocal about his hatred of Jews, and is also the owner/founder of

I'm willing to bet my house that it wasn't a completely unprovoked "attack" that got his skull dinged up.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
I'm sure that some vets would be inclined to join this movement.

Does being a veteran exclude you?

Does it make it more symbolic in some way if they do join?

Are the OWS protesting the military?

I do not understand why it is newsworthy.

Anyway, I also would like to know how they reached 'thousands' in their count.

All very good questions.

I would say that vets participating does make it somewhat symbolic because the whole *patriotism* and *military* imagery is predominantly an emotional tool used by the Fox News crowd.

I would say that it is newsworthy because OWS has and is continuing to attract Americans from all backgrounds, whether right wing pundits like it or not.


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
All very good questions.

I would say that vets participating does make it somewhat symbolic because the whole *patriotism* and *military* imagery is predominantly an emotional tool used by the Fox News crowd.

I would say that it is newsworthy because OWS has and is continuing to attract Americans from all backgrounds, whether right wing pundits like it or not.
November 3, 2011

NYC arrest records: Many Occupy Wall Street protesters live in luxury

Published: 12:45 AM 11/02/2011 | Updated: 11:26 PM 11/02/2011


By Will Rahn
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Will Rahn is a political writer at The Daily Caller. Will previously worked as an online editor at TheDC and a researcher for MSNBC's Morning Joe.

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NEW YORK, NY - OCTOBER 15: Demonstrators associated with the 'Occupy Wall Street' movement protest in Times Square on October 15, 2011 in New York City. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)

Many ?Occupy Wall Street? protesters arrested in New York City reside in more luxurious homes than some of their rhetoric might suggest, a Daily Caller investigation has found.
For each of the 984 Occupy Wall Street protesters arrested in New York City between September 18 and October 15, police collected and filed an information sheet recording the arrestee?s name, age, sex, criminal charge, home address and ? in most cases ? race. The Daily Caller has obtained all of this information from a source in the New York City government.
Among addresses for which information is available, single-family homes listed on those police intake forms have a median value of $305,000 ? a far higher number than the $185,400 median value of owner-occupied housing units in the United States.
Some of the homes where ?Occupy? arrestees reside, viewed through Google Maps and the Multiple Listing Service real estate database, are the definition of opulence.
Using county assessors and online resources such as, TheDC estimated property values and rents for 87 percent of the homes and 59 percent of the apartments listed in the arrest records.
Even in the nation?s currently depressed housing market, at least 95 of the protesters? residences are worth approximately $500,000 or more. (RELATED SLIDESHOW: Opulent homes of the ?99 percent?)
The median monthly rent for those living in apartments whose information is readily available is $1,850.

Read more:


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
I'm sure that some vets would be inclined to join this movement.

Does being a veteran exclude you?

Does it make it more symbolic in some way if they do join?

Are the OWS protesting the military?

I do not understand why it is newsworthy.

Anyway, I also would like to know how they reached 'thousands' in their count.

at least they won`t be raping or stealing from anybody...

and it is people from all backgrounds...grifters,ne`er do-wells,anarchists,socialists,marxists.....drug addicts...idiotic college students that blew their student loans getting degrees in useless fields.....

seems like only a matter of time before someone dies(oh !...somebody has died?...drug overdose?...shocking !!)...or the sympathetic leftwing business communities in these liberal shitholes simply get fed up...or the liberal mayors of these cities that are up to their necks in debt get tired of the expense...get tired of these nitwits ruining the quality of life for actual productive,tax paying citizens.....

well,it`s fianlly starting...

:facepalm: :lol:

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Scott Olsen, the one that got injured, is also a pretty vocal anti-everything person.

In the past he has been overly vocal about his hatred of Jews, and is also the owner/founder of

I'm willing to bet my house that it wasn't a completely unprovoked "attack" that got his skull dinged up.

Sounds like the kid isn't a gullible fool in my world. that is if this is true.

His words

The Marine Corps thrives on its image. They convince young men and women that they?re joining a professional military organization. But that?s not the case at all, every Marine knows it, and most have no problem downplaying the bullshit to outsiders so they can protect their ?beloved corps?. I noticed some of the other posters have told you not to pay any attention to my site because we?re just a bunch of ********* who couldn?t hack it, right? Maybe not hacking it means we saw through the bullshit and don?t want to take it. Maybe the brainwashing didn?t work on us. I?m not here to tell you if you should join or not. I?m here to advise you to take the people who visit my website just as seriously as anybody who tries to sell you the MC as a good thing.

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
at least they won`t be raping or stealing from anybody...

and it is people from all backgrounds...grifters,ne`er do-wells,anarchists,socialists,marxists.....drug addicts...idiotic college students that blew their student loans getting degrees in useless fields.....

seems like only a matter of time before someone dies(oh !...somebody has died?...drug overdose?...shocking !!)...or the sympathetic leftwing business communities in these liberal shitholes simply get fed up...or the liberal mayors of these cities that are up to their necks in debt get tired of the expense...get tired of these nitwits ruining the quality of life for actual productive,tax paying citizens.....

well,it`s fianlly starting...

:facepalm: :lol:

Blah blah blah. The nitwit 20 thousand dollar a year neo-con pigeon speaks his peace.
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