Three Canadians face extradition to, and life imprisonment in, the United States -

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Sep 29, 2006
I'm not saying I'm for or against the use of pot , but I do have a strong feeling on the ability of 1 country to fold to pressures of another country. I'm going to cut and paste a small amount of the story but would ask you to check it out and offer your support if you wish. Thanks.

Three Canadians face extradition to, and life imprisonment in, the United States - but they've never been there!

NEW! "No Extradition" folded pamphlet PDF files -- download page one and page two, then print and distribute copies everywhere! Phone (613) 957-4222, the Canadian Justice Department, and tell the Minister of Justice it would "shock your conscience" if Canadians Marc Emery, Greg Williams and Michelle Rainey were extradited to the United States, especially when a monetary fine of $200 for selling seeds, not jail time, was determined to be adequate punishment by the BC Supreme Court (R. vs. Hunter, 2000). If Canadians have broken the law in Canada, they should be given justice in Canada -- and if they cannot be found guilty in Canada, they should not be extradited to any other country for those same charges.

Marc Emery, Michelle Rainey, and Greg Williams are Canadian citizens who were heavily involved in anti-prohibition activitism for over ten years. The United States Justice Department and DEA want Canada's government to extradite these three political activists to face 10 years up to life in US prison! The extradition hearing has been rescheduled to begin on January 21st, 2008. Canadians and Americans MUST do their part to help prevent the extradition from happening -- even a phone call makes a difference!
To get the whole story you can link to

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