Posted by Keller's dad on HuskersIllustrated
Posted by Keller's dad on HuskersIllustrated
I was going to just stay away from all just wasn't worth my or anyone else's time. But the reporting of this crap is just unbelievable.
The facts...Sam was waiting for a parking spot to open up...he had even asked the guy pulling out before hand if he was leaving. The other car pulls up while Sam is waiting for the other car to clear and darts into the parking spot. Sam never used any profanity but asked the girl what she was doing and that he had been waiting for the parking spot. She refuses even to roll down her window...Sam is enfuriated and throws his empty McDonalds paper drink cup (it was a small) at her front bumper. The car he was throwing at was quartering away from him so I would call it a fade route. He hit the bumper and then realizing littering was a venial sin...he picked up the cup and placed in the proper recepticle.
I can't even stay serious about this travesty of justice. Anyway, he did drive away and find another parking spot. He never swore, meant no one any harm but was obviously enfuriated by the rude behaviour of the other driver. There are witnesses who can corraborate everything said here and that they told Sam at the time they would have done far worse if this girl had pulled the same rude action on them.
Anyway, thanks for reading the truth. Sorry it isn't as interesting as some of the other stories.