Thunder & Senor Capper Tracker Question

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Move the line!
Forum Member
May 4, 2005
Birmingham, Alabama
Ok, these two cappers have been at MJ's since 2000? I haven't been, but have lurked in since 2005, I really haven't tracked their plays and so forth, but for my 2 cents worth, They have not changed their picks, they posted their plays, and kept track of their records to the best of their abilities.

My get is this - If you just post a play as, Bulls -2 and that's all you post with no analysis, etc., I'd like to know why you like the play and if you have no analysis on it, you really didn't do any home work on your play, or 2, you did your research and don't want to share your information, fearing the bookmakers will read your posts? and if 2 is the case, they ain't gonna care what you post, they have thousands of people betting on games a week and don't give a rats fat ass as to what a person post, they don't care for what a service post or anything like that, all the BOOKS care about is getting as close to 50/50 as they can on any action they post, period end of STORY!!

Now, last thing, Senor and Thunder or anyone who has tracked their plays since 2000, possibly Jack or Vinnie or someone here has, Did they have a year where they lost more than they won? Did they change their plays? Did they error on who they played and not post the correction? If the answer is yes to any of those questions, then what credence is there to having a pay for service if they can't be honest or have any integrity for posting their picks?

There are a lot of good cappers in the MJ Forum, some post why they like a play and about 90% dont' post any reason why they like a play, I have done that on numerous occasions, but I really don't have time to elaborate why I like a play, but if I am asked I will expand and ramble, and I love to Ramble because sometimes I make sense to my own mind, LOL!! :mj07: But to be honest, if you want to be a "SERVICE" and make MONEY for clients, post your friggin records each week for the Forum to see or don't allow some of the posts that come thru saying how good this person did or that person did, etc., because it means nothing to us unless this site is going to be a pay for site to post in this forum and if that becomes the case, I can go back to just posting my plays on my free web page I have had since 2000 and I don't charge a thing, the only thing is, you have to find me through a search engine.

GL to the PAY FOR SERVICES that started up this fall with MJ's, the more power to you, but please, post your records and plays after the games have gone off and no one can get action on them, usually 15 mins after game starts and if you can't do that, at least stick up for yourself and be honest and post you won or loss and what the plays were/are, etc.

There is a ton of good information shared here at MJ forums and some quality people, and some that need some direction, but the one thing we all have in common and that is to make a lil fucking CASH along the way!!

Ok, enough of my soap box!!

Later taters!

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Senor Capper

is feeling it
Channel Member
Nov 14, 2000

Speaking for myself....
Clients pay for the privlege of getting plays and the reasoning behind them. That's exactly what they get. With the exception to Halftiime Plays and totals, which by the way are smoking :00hour .

Anyway you won't see me giving it away to the general public, no matter how upset people may get.
However I have sent an email out to the 200+ subscribers I have, showing how the site works and what it looks like (the entire Week 5).
Plus I give out a weekly free play that has lost only twice.

As stated in my Welcome Page in OUR Forum...
My best season was 67% (too bad I wasn't in the Hilton Contest) and worst was 52%.
Nobody has ever doubted my record in 12 years and give them no reason to do so. Plays and reasonings were posted and record kept. I'm sure others were keeping tabs on me too ;)

Could there have been mistakes in record keeping?
Sure, the possibility is there...both winners and losers.

I'm honest and now I'm transparent. LOL. :0008

Speaking for Thunder.......he does an awful lot for his clients, sports wise. (numerous sports).
There isn't anyway possible that he could give a reasoning for all those plays. Just my 2 cents.
