THUR nite gm

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Forum Member
Aug 12, 2001
Spurs -7 Remember they are the Champions and w/ that said....lQQk for the HM tm to get many of the calls, close a matter of fact (all the calls) and I am predicting 2 technicals on NO tonight. I do not like the Spurs as I feel they are cheap shot artists but one thing they do VERY well is that every player knows their role and they are one of the best at it. If I could bet this...(Ginobli, Parker) will fall to the floor OV 15X

GL Guys


Forum Member
Aug 12, 2001
I don't want to rub in the faces of NO betters but this is what you get when you go into SA. I saw it all to well in the last couple of yrs especially last yr when they beat the Suns and had the official on their side who will get some prison time for that.
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Mar 10, 2007
Long Island, New York
Nice Call on the Technical...This league is an absolute Joke! I emailed The Nba and told them how much their league blows!! (I know it won't do no good but hopefully someone will geta good laugh over there) All Betting aside. I just want to watch some good basketball..Not turn on the Tv and I get a 10 Point lead within the 1st 5 minutes of the 1st qrt...These playoffs are stupid. The crying that goes on with the players, if you touch a player its a foul. Bring back the Late 80's early 90's damnit! This league Bloooowwwsss!!!!!


Forum Member
Aug 12, 2001
Gamblingfool....let me restate that....

Gamblingfool....let me restate that....

If you are a superstar and they breath on you it is a foul but if your a nobody it is not a foul....It has been tough to cap at times due to this. I totally agree w/UR thoughts.

jer-z jock

Blow $$ Fast
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2007
If you are a superstar and they breath on you it is a foul but if your a nobody it is not a foul....It has been tough to cap at times due to this. I totally agree w/UR thoughts.

:mj07: Ask Rajon Rondo about that!!!! Guy gets nailed night in and night out only to fall to the floor and have to pick himself up with no call, but as soon as the Queen comes thru the lane and misses a lay up or losses control of the ball, beeeppp whistles go off like lunchtime in a warehouse full of Mexicans(sorry not meant to play down on anyone, but it was funny)

Also NICE JOB Skeeter:00hour ....I planned on NOT playing full games anymore for NBA because I cant get one right....halftimes are a little less harsh to me
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Mar 10, 2007
Long Island, New York
Tell you the truth. I had N.O Tonight..I did have Utah last night and cleveland. However

Last Night Boston would manhandle Cleveland and no fouls. Then Cleveland would 'Breath on Boston and it was a foul. In the last 3 Minutes when Cleveland covered..They couldn't miss and Boston "suddenly' Forgot how to play. The Nba is without a doubt the MOST CROOKED sport in my opinion. I believe one is a fool to not see it! however that opens a can of worms but the league definitly blows. Like I said all gambling aside. The league is terrible and just unwatchable. I turned on the 1st qrt...I Literally turned it off 5 minutes in. I checked CBS to get the score and I only had to do that once after Halftime!

Last night the Cleveland and Utah games were "decent" but they stop play so much and so many commercials that it's just unbareable and I lose interest and find another program. I hope Sterns Fatass is reading this because His league definitly needs ALOT OF HELP!!

Look at the Traffic in this forum alone. There used to be alot of people posting NBA plays. Least the 4Years I'v been coming here. Theres maybe 7 or so regulars that post daily for NBA....The league is an absolute joke! We should all boycott it. Without Gamblers They REALLY HAVE NOTHING!!! You know guys that don't have money on these games aren't watching this garbage!!

jer-z jock

Blow $$ Fast
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2007
GF365....I totally agree with you!!! Its funny to me NOT ONCE AND I MEAN NOT ONCE HAS THAT CROOK DONAHUEY or whatever his name was(the gambling ref THAT GOT CAUGHT, theres got to be more then just him) has NOT BEEN MENTIONED SINCE THE SEASON STARTED. Yet New England got tagged for SPYING and we cant stop hearing about that.....the league swept that under the rug so well I AM WILLING TO BET MOST PEOPLE FORGOT ALL ABOUT IT. I just give props to the hand full of guys that have seen this stuff long enough and can PULL OUT SITUATION to use them to there advantage, I for one get so pissed after getting MOOSED on an obvious BS game or final that I had to STOP betting FULLL GAMES(occasionally I throw small change on it) as I would find a GREAT LOOKING PLAYonly to lose my a$$....example lastyear in one week alone I dropped $8500 on the NBA ( and I cant show any bank statements that have 6 digits in my savings or checking account) so that tore me up, none the less I paid and worked my way back to living standards....but learned my lesson that NBA is only for recreation at best ALL IN OR GOY PLAYS DO NOT EXIST IMO for that league(that mistake also taught me money management, so point and lesson made and taken) BOL in the future!!! Please let me be the sacraficial lamb, that story is a REAL ACCOUNT of my gambling woes!!


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Mar 10, 2007
Long Island, New York
JerZ. Your right on in your thinking. The league and the media go hand in hand. The Players are taught very well on how to to do press conferences how to avoid questions or how to "answer around the question" I agre totally how the donaghy or whatever his name not even a peep about it. No one will ever convince me that this crap is legitamate! I don't know how they do it, but it is crooked! Maybe not 100%. Maybe not scripted. But SOMEHOW SOMEWAY Each sport has its own BS going on. There are many questions that I can't answer. If it is al BS..How do you get EVERYONE TO STAY "HUSH HUSH" Well The WWE DID IT FOR YEARS!! However it eventually was uncovered but these sports have been around LONGER than WWE have still have yet to be uncovered. I Can't explain it but as far s I'm concerned it is crooked!

I'v seen far to many times where that LAST second shot helps the BOOK more times than not. No one will EVER convince me that this crap is 100% legit! I'ms orry about your loss in your past glad you've been able to move on. I'v nevere experianced such a loss and no offense hopefully I never do. I'm pretty good at running away with my profits, stoping when I'm losing and starting again when I see the games iw ould play are winning!

Like i said ITS MORE Than the gambling part of it. The games are JUST AWFUL to watch! Absolutly awful!! You remember when you had MJ vs Bird games..Those games were full of hustle if i remember correctly 1986 playoffs First round. There was a Celtic who made a shot from a loose ball. Everyone piled on for the loose ball, he threw the ball up and made the bucket. Before you would see that today, you'd see either a tieup, jumpball, foul or a timeout..Followed by a commercial!

BTW Jordan scored 63 points in that game..Yet the Celtics STILL WON 135-131 And believe it or NOT HAD PLENTY OF DEFENSE!!!..That was a GREAT GAME!! We won't see that anymore!!
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jer-z jock

Blow $$ Fast
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2007
JerZ. Your right on in your thinking. The league and the media go hand in hand. The Players are taught very well on how to to do press conferences how to avoid questions or how to "answer around the question" I agre totally how the donaghy or whatever his name not even a peep about it. No one will ever convince me that this crap is legitamate! I don't know how they do it, but it is crooked! Maybe not 100%. Maybe not scripted. But SOMEHOW SOMEWAY Each sport has its own BS going on. There are many questions that I can't answer. If it is al BS..How do you get EVERYONE TO STAY "HUSH HUSH" Well The WWE DID IT FOR YEARS!! However it eventually was uncovered but these sports have been around LONGER than WWE have still have yet to be uncovered. I Can't explain it but as far s I'm concerned it is crooked!

I'v seen far to many times where that LAST second shot helps the BOOK more times than not. No one will EVER convince me that this crap is 100% legit! I'ms orry about your loss in your past glad you've been able to move on. I'v nevere experianced such a loss and no offense hopefully I never do. I'm pretty good at running away with my profits, stoping when I'm losing and starting again when I see the games iw ould play are winning!

Like i said ITS MORE Than the gambling part of it. The games are JUST AWFUL to watch! Absolutly awful!! You remember when you had MJ vs Bird games..Those games were full of hustle if i remember correctly 1986 playoffs First round. There was a Celtic who made a shot from a loose ball. Everyone piled on for the loose ball, he threw the ball up and made the bucket. Before you would see that today, you'd see either a tieup, jumpball, foul or a timeout..Followed by a commercial!

BTW Jordan scored 63 points in that game..Yet the Celtics STILL WON 135-131 And believe it or NOT HAD PLENTY OF DEFENSE!!!..That was a GREAT GAME!! We won't see that anymore!!

:toast: :iagree: I guess those days left us when the players started making millions and millions more....why hustle and take a chance to hurt themselves diving for loose balls, theres a chance it could stop them from being able to go clubbing on the weekend or even make them look un cool when they are wearing a foot boot. HUSTLE WAS the name of the game and now EXCUSES is...I guess thats why I enjoy watching KOBE so much, he strived for greatness and EVEN THOUGH I DIDNT THINK HE WAS INJURED(back injury at Utah when he couldnt jump---I though he was in pain) he plays the game hard and has a little old school in him as he will clamp down and take the pressure upon himself, much like greats of the past did, and elevate his game when called upon. I once was told a story BY A NBA PLAYER from the older days (early 90's) who said he was directed to be sick and not be able to play in the game the next day---although he was fine and completely healthy....he did what he was told and followed suit, STRAIGHT FROM THE HORSES MOUTH. I had a family member who rubbed elbows with some of the elite players in the league by way of coaching camps and clinics and I would NEVER FORGET him telling us that as we ate was almost an outter body experience as I was floored by his remarks. Money controls the world so why wouldnt it influence a little bit of sports?


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Mar 10, 2007
Long Island, New York
My Brother in Law Referees Soccer. And He told me that "FIXES" don't exist PER SAY..However The League will come in and say things such as "For the Good of the league." Example...There was a Soccer Tournament and the soccer fields are chosen 2 years in advance SO with that theres no gurentee of which teams will be there to minimize Home Field Advantage..This particular year tho the Home Field ended up making it to the Finals and happened to be the Team of 'The Sponser" of the tournament..With that, the Refs were intructed that "For The Good of the league, if it's a close call that could go either way it's better if it goes for Team X (the home team which was the team of the sponser) The league continued to say that "Its not cheating and we don't want to help them win, but if it's close it's better if it goes to the Home Team" When he told me that I said if it's happening in a MEANINGLESS Little League Game...What MUST go on with MILLIONS at stake in proffesional Sports? No One will ever convince me that this shit is REAL! Call me crazy, stupid whatever! I will just call you the same for not believing! The great days of NBA are OVER! Unless they go through some MAJOR chances!

I do Like KOBE! However Did you forget what he did in the beginning of the year and last year how he did not get his players involved! Kobe is a GREAT player no doubt, but he's no different selfish wise! This year he just went through a transofmration whether Phil Jackson spoke with or whatever he's definitly acting DIFFERENT this year! Lets see if it continues!!