Thursday Night Baseball

MB MLB 728x90 Jpg


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 14, 2009
I've been away from the pads for awhile because I got injured about a month ago and its been a rough road back. I'm only about 75% healthy now, and not sure when I'll be, if I'll be 100%.

Anyways, my computer took a dump and had to re-format everything, so I lost my stats. Going to have to start over unfortunately!

Anyways, here's what I'm going to play tonight...

All plays are rated 1* to 5*

0-0 YTD +0.00

(2*) Boston Red Sox -1? +110 for Game
(2*) New York Yankees -1? -153 for Game
(2*) San Francisco Giants -138 for Game
(2*) St Louis Cardinals -133 for Game
(2*) Houston Astros -150 for Game


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 14, 2009
Adding 2 PARLAYS

1* to win 16*
Houston Astros -150 for Game
St Louis Cardinals -133 for Game
San Francisco Giants -138 for Game
New York Yankees -1? -148 for Game
Boston Red Sox -1? +110 for Game

1* to win 78*
Colorado Rockies/Atlanta Braves over 9 -110 for Game
Arizona Diamondbacks/Florida Marlins over 9 -105 for Game
Milwaukee Brewers/Houston Astros under 9 -110 for Game
Chicago Cubs/St Louis Cardinals under 9 -120 for Game
San Francisco Giants -138 for Game
New York Yankees -1? -148 for Game
Boston Red Sox -1? +110 for Game