Thursday Night

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SC Capper

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Forum Member
Sep 28, 2003
Thanks to TCU..took the following last night (see yesterday's thread) so I feel more comfortable about betting tonight.

Last Night:

TCU -2.5 -- 1 unit
TCU +3.5 & over 43.5 -- 1 unit

Am planning on laying this tonight:

SC +13.5 & NMSU +8.5 (2 team teaser) -- 2 units
SC +7.5 -- 2 units

I think that the public play is Arkansas, which means I am going the other way.

What do my fellow MJ'ers think? I know I am the minority on SC, but I like it. SC is somewhat in a must win for a bowl game. They need one more win for a bowl and have Florida and Clemson left on the slate. They should (emphasize "should") beat Clemson, but I don't think Lou will want it to come down to that. The Cocks will show up to play tonight.....but you never know. Open to all suggestions and angles. Plan on laying this right before kick-off. Will post again if I change my mind.

GL to all!

:thefinger THE MAN!!!!!!
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Registered User
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Nov 12, 2002
not playing this game, but (and i mean this in a respectful way) dont convince yourself that youre in the minority with south carolina. by that i mean if thats one of your main reasons, i would consider laying off. personally, i think this is a tough game, but at very sites, south carolina is a popular play. by no means am i saying its sc thats public. but every game doesnt have a "public side". this is one where its split with a little bit heavier on usc.
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SC Capper

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Sep 28, 2003
Thanks for the insight Gman2, I didn't take it the wrong way.. I am playing this not based on the public play, but for the other reasons I mentioned (bowl game implications, etc). I just think it will be close. I am local and there has been a ton of hype around Columbia about how this is Lou's old school and that he wants this win bad!! That is just FYI! I never make a gambling decision based on locker room material, but there has been a lot of talk on how bad Lou wants this win. Just FYI. Who knows..all this talk and Arkansas could blow them out. Possible, but I don't think they will.

GL to you

Oh yeah, you're right, this is a tough game to take!


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Nov 12, 2002
ive also heard the "holtz wants to win vs his old school angle"

my question would be:
hasnt holtz wanted to beat the hogs the last 4 or 5 yrs since hes been there? arkansas continues to handle this team fairly easily.

i dont know. :shrug:
like i said, just a real tough game.

a pass for me.

SC Capper

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Sep 28, 2003
Hey hellah, the public plays I am referring to are mainly the service plays. John Q. Public usually likes the service plays..That's why books never go out of business..A lot of people love to take the service plays. Now don't get me wrong I like to see the service plays as well (Thanks Mizzou!!) but I also like to do most of my reserach myself.

By the way, what have you guys found as the best service?

GL to ya tonight hellah!
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SC Capper

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 28, 2003
Definetly, Gman. Holtz has wanted to beat them over the past few years, that's why I said it is possible for Arkansas to blow them out. I don't blame you for passing.

Believe it or not, SC has a better team than they have had. I know that the record does not show it, but they are talented. They are just really young for the most part. Hopefully it will all click tonight for them, but you never know.